When considering raw food diets for pets, people are torn between the pros and the cons. On the one hand, owners who rely on commercial dog food point out choking hazards, pathogen exposure, and vitamin deficiencies associated with this controversial diet. On the other hand, people who have discovered positive effects from the all-natural, organic, raw dog food diet rave about its health benefits.

To understand the two sides of raw feeding, let’s explore this diet option and its effects on dog health.

What is included in a raw dog food diet?

Raw dog food typically includes organ meat, muscles, bones, eggs, and greens, including spinach, celery, and broccoli.

Dog food companies have varying preparation methods. Some produce a selection of frozen, freeze-dried, dehydrated food whilst others provide homemade raw food.

If you’re confused about whether raw feeding is beneficial or risky to pet health, this article will enumerate the most common pros and cons of raw dieting for puppies and adult dogs.

Should you let your dog try raw food diet?

Owners only want the best for their dogs, but misconceptions can either make them miss out on the pros or fall to the cons of raw feeding. Let’s examine both of them to help you arrive at the best diet solution for your canine buddy.

Potential Risks of a Raw Food Diet

Raw Food Can Harbour Pathogenic Bacteria

Whilst veterinarians are aware of the benefits of raw food diet, many agree that raw food can contain high numbers of pathogens that can cause mild to severe stomach issues. These health risks are higher for homemade raw dog food that does not follow the standard preparation in the freezing or drying process.

Crushed Bones Can Cause Blockage and Choking

Raw bones are choking hazards, especially for puppies. Additionally, if not crushed and ground well, it can chip or break their developing teeth.

The same hard material can cause intestinal blockage. Raw experts advise giving your puppies minced mix diets in small portions to prevent these risks.

Improper Diet Planning Can Lead to Nutrient Deficiency

Giving your dog or puppy a balanced diet, complete with the nutrients and minerals they need to support their active lifestyle, can be challenging when on a raw diet plan.

Moreover, giving them too much of one thing can be risky, while providing them with too little can cause their health to deteriorate.

For instance, vitamin A overdose from raw liver can cause bone deformities, weak muscles, weight loss, and digestive problems. However, a lack of this vitamin can cause night blindness and unhealthy coat and skin.

Another example is feeding your dog too much meat. Increased intake of fatty food can lead to pancreatitis or obesity. On the other hand, low-fat food can contribute to a dull coat, and dry, itchy skin.

The surest way to prevent the effects of these excesses or deficiencies is to consult an animal nutrition expert who can guide you in creating a balanced raw food diet plan for your dog or puppy. These specialists can also guide you in drafting a plan based on your dog’s current nutrition, lifestyle, breed, and age.

Following proper feeding guidelines will help you enjoy the benefits of raw dog food diets listed below.

Proven Benefits of a Raw Food Diet

Supports Bone Strength and Bone-Building

Crushed bones mixed with meat are a rich source of calcium, collagen, phosphorus, and glucosamine, to name a few. These healthy ingredients strengthen your dog’s bones and joints.

The same vitamins and minerals from crushed meaty bones are also beneficial to your growing puppy’s bone development.

Improves Dental Health

Dogs can also enjoy healthier dental health, thanks to meaty bones that can act as a natural toothbrush to reach and remove plaque in between teeth. Pairing ground meat with greens, like peppermint and celery, can promote fresh breath.

Natural Detox and Immune System Booster

A raw diet helps strengthen your dog’s immune system through a balanced diet of meat, fruits, vegetables, and amino-acid-rich food, like kelp, wheatgrass, and garlic for natural detox.

Promotes Healthy Skin and Coat

Some raw food has high-fat content, especially omega-3 fatty acids that improve skin health, and promote a softer, shinier coat. These include flax seeds, salmon, and chia seeds.

Reduces Stool Odour and Volume

Natural food is highly digestible. Because of this, the body can absorb nutrients from raw food easily. Raw meat is also low in carb-rich fillers that bulk up your pet’s stool and contribute to the heavy odour.

In other words, with a natural and pure raw food diet, your dog will have smaller stools and less of the nasty poop smell.

Deciding on the Diet that is Best for Your Pet

Hopefully, this article has helped you look at the raw food diet from a more informed perspective. Ask yourself if the risks outweigh the benefits. You can also consult dog nutrition experts and see how you can prevent the cons and enjoy the pros of raw feeding.

Regardless of the type of diet you choose for your canine companion, make sure to put their needs above all else.