Scars are a natural part of the healing process, but sometimes they can be unsightly and embarrassing. If you’re looking for information on how to get rid of scars, you’ve come to the right place.

Before you go in for a consultation at plastic surgery Calgary, this article will discuss the different types of scars, the causes of scars, and the pros and cons of laser scar therapy treatments and surgical scar removal. So whether you have a new scar that you want to heal quickly or an old scar that you’d like to remove, we have the deets!

What are scars?

Technically, scars are marks left on the skin after an injury or wound has healed. But they can also be caused by surgeries, acne, or other conditions that damage collagen in the skin, like stretch marks.

Scars are different from birthmarks because they aren’t present at birth and don’t change color over time (like freckles). Scars can take on many forms and textures, such as lumpy, flat, or sunken. A lot depends on what caused the scar and where it is on the body.

Types of Scars

Most people will experience at least one type of scar at some point in their lives. There are three main types of scars:

Hypertrophic scars

Hypertrophic scars are raised, reddish marks that develop after the skin has been injured. They can be itchy or painful to the touch and may limit movement in nearby joints if located there.

These scars usually heal within six months without treatment; however, sometimes, they do not go away entirely – especially if you pick at them.

Contracture scars

Unlike hypertrophic scars, which are raised and red, contracture scars can be flat or sunken into the skin. These types of scars usually form after burns that destroy both layers of skin (the epidermis and dermis).

Contractures can limit movement in nearby joints because the scar edges pull the skin tightly together. They often require surgery to release the tightness and improve movement.

Keloid scars

Keloids occur when the skin over-produces collagen as it heals and thickens into a raised scar similar to hypertrophic ones. However, they can continue growing even after an injury has healed completely.

These scars can appear on any part of the body but are more prevalent in the shoulders or chest area. While typically not painful, they can be irritated by constant rubbing against clothing.

Causes of Scars

So why do people get scars? There are many different causes of scars, including:


This is the most common cause of scarring. Scars form as a result of the body’s natural healing process.


Burns can cause extensive scarring, especially if they come from deep wounds. The severity of the scarring depends on how bad your burn was and whether you received any treatment for it (such as plastic surgery).


Chickenpox scars usually fade over time but can be permanent in some cases. When that happens, you’re left with small, red marks on the skin.


When it comes to acne, we think the red, painful bumps are the worst. Unfortunately, cystic acne can leave behind depressed scars that last a lifetime. And to make matters worse, these scars can come in a variety of types such as:

  • Ice pick scars look like deep holes in the skin. These are caused by severe cystic acne, which damages underlying tissue and leaves a pitted appearance.
  • Rolling scars create an uneven texture on the surface of your skin that looks wavy or bumpy, as if it were rolling over itself under pressure from underneath (hence their name).
  • Boxcar scars are angular and have sharply defined borders. They look like small, square depressions in the skin.


Cuts or scrapes are another common way to get scars. Scars from cuts usually appear as raised, red marks on the skin that take some time before fading away.

You can get them by accident or deliberately. For example, if you cut yourself with a knife while cooking in your kitchen and don’t seek help right away, then these wounds could leave behind permanent scars!

Surgical procedures

For one, surgical procedures, like breast augmentations, would naturally involve scars from incisions. Sometimes these scars are minimal, but they can be more pronounced at other times. 

To avoid getting obvious surgical scars, make sure to have your breast augmentation Calgary procedures done by a trusted clinic and surgeon. 


An unavoidable side-effect of pregnancy is stretch marks, another type of scar. Stretch marks look like red, pink, or purple lines that can start out narrow and become wider over time.

Treatment Options for Scars

If you’re not happy with the appearance of your scars, don’t worry. Technology has come a long way, and several treatment options are available today. Here we talk about two of the best options for scar removal:

Scar revision laser therapy

Laser therapy is a treatment that uses laser energy to heat up and destroy scar tissue. It’s a relatively new technology, and there isn’t a lot of long-term data on its effectiveness yet, but early studies show incredible promise.

The main advantage of laser therapy is that it can be used on all types of scars, regardless of their location or size. It also doesn’t require any downtime after the procedure. However, it can be expensive and may not be covered by insurance.

Surgical scar removal

If you have a large or prominent scar that you’d like removed, surgical scar removal may be the best option. This type of surgery involves cutting out the entire scar and stitching the skin back together.

The main advantage of this procedure is that it can remove all traces of your scar, but it’s also the most invasive and expensive option. It requires anesthesia (which carries risks), has a long recovery time, and may not be covered by insurance. Keep that in mind before making any decisions!

Laser Scar Therapy vs. Surgical Scar Removal: advantages and disadvantages

It’s important to know what type of treatment is right for you before starting any procedures or treatments. Here is a quick run down point-by-point to help you decide:

Advantages of laser therapy:

  • Laser therapy is non-invasive, there is no downtime after the procedure.
  • It can be used on a wide variety of scar types.

Disadvantages of laser therapy:

  • The main disadvantage of laser therapy is that it can be expensive.
  • Laser therapy can treat acne scars on the face, but it may not work for body scars because those areas have thicker skin with more collagen fibers.

Advantages of surgical scar removal:

  • Surgical scar removal is the most effective way to remove all traces of a scar. 
  • It has a quick recovery time and is relatively affordable.

Disadvantages of surgical scar removal:

  • The surgery is invasive and requires anesthesia, which carries risks. 
  • There is also a long recovery time (usually around two weeks). 
  • The surgery is not always covered by insurance.

Final Thoughts

So, what’s the verdict? Well, it depends on your individual case. If you have a small or moderate scar and are willing to go through laser therapy, then it may be the best option for you.

But if you have a large or prominent scar that you’d like removed without a trace, then surgical scar removal is your best bet. Remember that both of these treatments come with their own set of pros and cons, so be sure to consult your doctor before jumping into anything! Good luck!