Quartz is a very gorgeous material. This material has been used by human civilization for many centuries. Mostly it began as a choice of jewellery and a very popular one at that. Rose quartz and especially amethyst are very common and well-known and not to forget, well-loved too. It is also very commonly used in watches, television, radio, electronic games and so much more. Another common is for making carved items out of it. But in the last half of the century, Quartz Worktops Essex became a very common thing. Though for the first two or three decades it did not become all that popular as a worktop. But by the end of the last century, it shot to popularity as a worktop. And within the last decade or two, it has risen to the top as the most preferred worktop of homeowners.

How Quartz Is Made Into Worktops?

Quartz crystals are very small. Most crystals are approximately eight to ten inches in size. These, of course, are not of sufficient size to make large worktops. And so they are engineered and manufactured to be used as Quartz Worktops Essex. These quartz crystals are crushed to a fine powder, which is then combined using polymer resin. This mix is treated with very high heat and pressure to create large quartz slabs. This is then cut and customized according to the kitchen and is then installed. So, even though quartz is a naturally occurring crystal, it is engineered for use as kitchen worktops. The benefit of this is strong worktops that can be infinitely customised. 

Quartz Kitchen Worktops Colours And Patterns

When it comes to kitchen worktops, along with strength and durability, colours, patterns and themes are also a major concern. It is, of course, highly important that the surroundings are pleasing and appealing to look at so that there is mental clarity and peace when working in these rooms. And this is one of the major reasons why quartz is highly appealing to a large section of the population. Quartz Worktops Essex is highly customizable. Any personal preference in colour or pattern can be brought to life with quartz. As it is engineered for use as worktops, during this process colour pigments are added for colour and to give it patterns. Quartz is often used to replicate granite and marble.

Quartz Performance As Kitchen Worktops

Quartz is a naturally strong material. On top of this, it is crushed and then put together again to make it into Quartz Worktops Essex. This makes it one of the most strong and durable materials that are available for worktops. The maintenance for these worktops is also very minimal as it only needs soapy water to clean it. There is no need for any harsh bleaches or chemicals to clean and to make it look as good as new. Quartz worktops are strong and do not crack, scratch or break. They are also highly durable. This is one of the reasons why quartz worktops are often used to imitate granite and marble by those who prefer those looks but want a lasting worktop. 

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