McKinsey, BCG, and Bain are the top three marketing recruitment firms in Sydney. The firm is contracted by some of the largest organizations in the world. The firms only hire candidates from the top business schools. If you are about to graduate from the top business schools in Australia and are thinking of going into consulting, then you may probably go to McKinsey. But getting hired in McKinsey and the other two is not that easy. The firms only select candidates with the best minds and there is a lot of competition for those looking to get hired here. To get hired at McKinsey, BCG, or Bain; you need to have an excellent academic record from a prestigious school. You need to have excellent communication skills and analytical capabilities. Of course, you will earn a handsome amount at the three firms if you get selected.

How to apply for an interview at Mckinsey, BCG, or Bain in Australia?

If you are thinking of working as a recruitment consultant in Melbourne, Australia, you need to get selected for the interview. The firms receive hundreds of applications every day through an Applicant Tracking System. So, you need to make sure about the resume is well optimized for the ATS. The resume should include common names such as Work experience, Education, Skills, and so on to ensure that your resume gets selected.

The resumes need to be short because the actuarial recruitment firm’s consultants have limited time to go through all the resumes. These firms want candidates who can be quickly trained in their jobs. You need to mention your skills like leadership skills, and analytical skills. And if you have any experiences, highlight them for the role you are expected to play here. The resume is an important step towards getting selected for the high package job at McKinney, BCG, or Bain. Of course, other things are also important but a good resume will pave the way for you.

After the resume pass through the processes, you will be invited to give the PST test. The PST test determines the candidates’ luck for a one-to-one interview. The performance and score will decide whether to get the job or not. The questions are related to Maths and logical questions because these skills are the most essential for anyone working as a recruitment consultant. By passing the test, you will be eligible to get the job.

The interview process- Some easy hacks to crack the interview

Normally, the interviews are taken in a two-way selected process. Both are important. The candidates need to crack the two interviews- Case interviews and Fit interviews. In the case interview, the interviewer seeks in finding out how capable you are at performing your job and why they hire you. So they will present you with some challenging business situations. You are required to determine the solution for the situation you are given and present your suggestions. You need to have a creative mind and also you need to have the competency of handling a problem with a basic structure. Your answers should be innovative that set you apart from the other candidates.

After you pass the Case interview, you need to appear for the Fit interviews. The Fit interviews 

are meant to test the candidate’s skills, values and personality. It reflects the candidate’s leadership qualities. So failing the interviews will lead to rejection of the job. You need to show the interviewer your communication skills as well as your body language. In the Case interview and Fit interview the interviewer will evaluate your communication and presentation skills, verbal skills, and business knowledge. Moreover, most consulting projects are quite challenging. To solve the challenges that come with such projects, you need to have a good problem-solving attitude. This is the one most important skill the interviewer will look for in a candidate. You need to have the ability to break down challenges into small components and solve them individually.