Google claims that YouTube is the second largest search engine on the Internet, just behind Google. As of November 2017, YouTube has 1.5 billion active users every month who watch an estimated 4 hours of video every minute. Videos are uploaded every minute and with so much content, it can be hard to find the good stuff. While some videos might not get many views, others might have millions of views and even comments under them. These videos and comments can be great for your brand marketing because they provide visibility that many won’t have access to otherwise. They can also give you insight into what people are looking for when they’re searching for your brand name or product name so you know where to invest in your marketing strategy. To gain a complete understanding of how other people are viewing your brand marketing efforts, take advantage of YouTube comments and view statistics. You’ll quickly see which videos provide the greatest value to your audience, which ones need more work to draw in viewers, and if those views should even matter in the first place.

What do YouTube comment and view statistics mean for marketers?

If you’re a marketer, you’re probably wondering how you can get more insights into the people viewing your content and what they’re saying about it. You don’t have to wonder anymore because those views and comments are right at your fingertips. As stated above, YouTube is the second largest search engine on the Internet. With over 1.5 billion active users, you can be sure that most of them have had a chance to take a look at your brand marketing efforts. How many views your videos have, though, can also help you gain a better understanding of how people are viewing your brand. You can also use YouTube comments and view statistics to see which tags people are using and what they’re saying about your brand. This can help you understand if people are simply commenting about the videos or if people are searching for your brand and looking for more information. If you want to increase comments and views, You can buy YouTube comments and views. If people are looking for more information, this means that you have a larger potential audience and you can push your brand marketing efforts further.

How to access YouTube Comment and View Statistics

You can access YouTube comments and view statistics by going to your YouTube channel > View Stats > Comments. If you have more than one channel, you can find the statistics for each channel individually. Once you’ve found the stats for your videos, you can see how many comments and views each video has received. You can also look at the tags people are using when they comment on your videos and what they’re saying. If you want to get a more detailed look at how people are viewing your videos, you can also access Google Analytics for YouTube. This provides you with data on how many people viewed your videos and how long they watched them. You can also look at how many people watched your videos from a particular country or city, which is great for determining which cities to focus on for your brand marketing efforts.

Add tags to your videos before you publish them

If you want to take advantage of the comments and views your videos receive, you’ll need to give your viewers something to say. This can be done by adding relevant tags to your YouTube videos before you publish them. A tag is a keyword or phrase that people use to find your video when they’re searching for something related to your brand. When someone sees your video and sees a tag they like, they can add it to the comment section so others can see it too. This is great for gaining visibility because you can get exposure without having to pay for the ad space that the video is currently getting. You can also make sure that your brand marketing efforts don’t go unnoticed. In addition, you can buy YouTube views to boost your engagements.

Use analytics tools to find out which tags your audience uses

One of the best ways to gain insight into how people are viewing your brand marketing efforts is to use analytics tools to find out which tags your audience is using. This way, you can see if your audience is searching for your product or looking for more information about it. It’s important to note that you won’t be able to get the tags that people are searching for so you’ll want to focus on tags that you know the audience would use. There are many analytics tools that you can use to find out which tags your audience is using. Some of the best tools for this include YouTube analytics, Google Analytics for Websites, and Clicky. These tools can help you gain insight into your YouTube comments and views and which tags your audience is using.

Find the best marketing channels for your brand on YouTube

When you’re looking into YouTube comments and viewing statistics, you have to make sure you’re looking at the right data. You can’t just look at the views and comments you receive, you have to look at the channels as well. The channel views and comments don’t tell you which channels your audience is viewing your videos on, though. This is what channel views are for. The views on your videos are great because they tell you how many people are watching your videos, but they don’t tell you how many of those viewers are from your target market. You can find the best marketing channels for your brand on YouTube by looking at the channel views and comments on your videos. This will give you channels on that you can focus your brand marketing efforts.

Create an effective YouTube marketing strategy with a focus on comments and view data

When you’re looking into YouTube comments and viewing statistics, it’s important to make sure you’re focusing on the right data. You can’t just look at the views and comments you receive, you have to look at the channels as well. The views on your videos are great because they tell you how many people are watching your videos, but they don’t tell you which channels they’re watching them on. This is where channel views come into play. The channel views on your videos are great because they tell you how many people are watching your videos, but they don’t tell you which channels they’re watching them on. When you’re creating an effective YouTube marketing strategy, you have to make sure you’re looking at the right data. You can’t just look at the views, you have to look at the channels as well. This will give you the insight you need to know which channels are the best for your brand marketing.


If you want to gain more visibility for your brand marketing efforts and find out which videos are the most popular, you need to take advantage of YouTube comments and view statistics. You can use these statistics to find out which videos are popular, which tags people are using, and which videos are getting the most views. You can use all of this information to create an effective YouTube marketing strategy for your brand.