Congratulations on buying your new house! No wonder finding the ideal home for yourself and the family can be very stressful. Especially if you’ve been saving for it all this while and have finally found it, you must have got very emotional. However, Once you have signed the final contract and got the house registered on your name, there are a few things to do before you move in. make sure to read till the end to know about everything that needs to be done:

  • Do a Walkthrough

If it’s feasible for you, we recommend you do a walk-through of your home when it is empty. Only then will you get the idea of the loopholes and the minor fixtures that need to be done. After all, when you have a blank canvas, only then do you know where to start from. On the contrary, if you move your stuff first and decide to do a walkthrough, it will be hard to figure out the changes that need to be made. Apart from the walkthrough, check out every place that needs to be changed. 

  • Get the Plumbing Work Done

Get the plumbing professional to visit your house and check the faucets and the entire sewerage system for any damage. Plumbing work is important because only then can you rest assured about the smooth flow of water in the sewerage. On the contrary, if there’s minor damage or an issue, it will take a big toll on the entire house. Sometimes, we overlook minor issues like this, and the overflowing water can percolate down into the base of the building, causing it damage. 

  • Take Safety Precautions for Kids and pets

If you’re moving with your munchkins, you’ll have to go the extra mile to make it a more secure space for everyone. After all, the new environment will be hard to adjust for the little ones. Apart from the standard things, you need to remove sharp edges, outlets and check the doors. Also, keep your eyes on the temporary hazards that can be damaging in the long run. Ensure that the box cutters and scissors are away from the reach of the little ones. 

  • Setup Utilities

Before you move in with your family, ensure to set up all the utilities in advance, such as gas, water, heat, and electricity. After all, nobody wants to move into their new house and sleep in a dark room all night long. For your information, a number of companies allow you to transfer service from your old home to the new one. However, sometimes, you have to get them canceled before moving out of your old home. Now is the best time to set up new utilities, so you can rest assured about having a good time with your loved ones. 

  • Deep Clean

There’s never a better time to clean the house, but when it’s empty. After all, you don’t have to struggle with anything else around. When the house is empty, you can sift through each of the rooms, inspect the nooks and look for large pieces of debris in the different corners.