The first topic you should think about during your house relocation in Sydney is home safety. Whether you are inside or outside, you need to keep your loved ones and possessions secure. Here are some home security hints to assist you make your new house more secure. Anyone moving to a different home or apartment is highly advised to follow the professional home safety measures and recommendations.


When trying to break into your home, an intruder looks first at your doors and windows. So:

  • Install more reliable locks on them. Double mortice locks are a suitable alternative.
  • Security sensors should be installed on doors and windows to deter lock pickers and burglars who shatter windows or doors. When burglars break into your house, these will sound an alarm.
  • Add bars to doors and windows to deter burglars in the event that they manage to smash the glass.
  • Install loud devices on your gates and doors to alert you when someone passes through them.
  • Put a prickly bush or prickly wire up along the side of any pipes that someone could climb over to get to your windows or balcony to make it difficult for them to climb up.
  • Last but not least, remove any trees that burglars might use to gain access to your windows or balconies.

Scouting a house is the first thing cunning burglars do before robbing it. By performing the following, you can make it challenging for people to peep via your windows and glass doors:

  • Use window tinting to reinforce your glass and deter burglars and nosy onlookers.
  • Install curtains that will let in light while protecting your home’s privacy. Cute semi-transparent drapes are a wonderful choice.

Thieves prefer the shadows and the night because they can hide and enter your home undetected. So:

  • Purchase solar energy system with motion detectors for exterior illumination. Additionally, you can attach a timer to them so that even when you’re not home, they turn on and off at the very same time every day.
  • Light up all of the entrances and exits, as well as any walks, bushes in the gardens, and exterior buildings like garages, pool houses, and guesthouses.

Anyone you invite inside your house to provide a service puts you at risk of theft.

  • Keep an eye out for dubious taxi drivers since they may direct burglars to the front door of your house. They can pick you up or drop you off close to your home when you use them.
  • Use a trustworthy moving company in Sydney One like OZZIEE MOVERS when relocating to your new residence.
  • To set up your property, hire reliable contractors such as electricians, decorators, plumbers, and even security solution specialists.
  • You can follow these advice to protect your new house. Your family and property will be secure with a good security system. Additionally, it can qualify you for a reduction on your home security insurance plan. Do it correctly for your own tranquility and to prevent pointless losses.

These were a few security tips for all the new people who are about to move by expert OZZIEE MOVERS. Hope this helps!