Do you want your sales team to actively engage in online sales training programs?

Sales training gamification is the ultimate way to do that.

 Sales reps won’t get bogged down with the heavy virtual sales training if they actively participate.

Online sales training games provide sales representatives with the information and knowledge they need to survive in the real world and give an edge to their creative thinking abilities.

It’s time to break the monotony and fill the sales training environment with fun and creativity. 

Here’s a list of 6 Online Sales Training Games that’ll help you do that:

1. Gamified Cold Calling


  1. Build confidence among new sales reps to conduct a cold call. 
  2. Reduce the fear of cold calling and facing rejections.

Cold calling is a necessary process of online sales training. Cold calling needs strength and courage from the sales reps. This game intends to teach new sales reps how to approach the cold audience and begin interacting with them.  

 How to play:

The team members are asked to call any random strangers and have a conversation. 

The manager takes note of it. The goal here is to grab prospects’ attention. 

Once they do it, the second thing is to get them an email address and get a call scheduled back. There’s a time limitation, and participants are given points based on that. Those who collect more points win the game.                                                                                                            

Outcomes:  The biggest challenge in sales training programs is teaching beginners the skill of talking to strangers. Most sellers give up at this stage! But with the help of games, sales managers can overcome reps’ fear.

Below are the primary outcomes that can be achieved with this game:

  1. Sales reps can confidently speak with strangers online.
  2. There’s no fear of cold calling.
  3. Boost confidence among team members for a better selling experience.    

   Recommended reading:  Brining the Top 21 Cold Calling Tips and Tricks for today’s virtual teams.                                          

2. Features and Benefits


  1. Help teams understand the ins and out of selling a product.
  2. Allow teams to focus on customers and not just the technical features of selling the product.

How to play: 

Ask a team member to act as a customer and have them give a brief idea of the product they want to purchase. 

For instance, “I want to purchase Earbuds with Active noise cancellation feature, 25+ hours battery life, Bluetooth 5.2 technology.”

The team is divided into two groups. First-person tells the features like “This earbud has intelligent touch controls, are water-resistant.” while the other person will provide the benefit “Doesn’t fall off while jogging or running. Comfortable to all types of ears.”

It then gets passed to the third member who has to provide benefits and the next with features. Teams have to make sure that they understand the customer’s needs.

Outcomes: The fact is that customers do not focus on how advanced features the product has, but it focuses on how it is helping them solve their problems. Therefore, knowing how to use the features and benefits helps sellers solve problems.

This game: 

  1. Improves understanding of the product features and the benefits.
  2. Improve understanding of customer needs and match them with the product’s benefits.                    

Recommended Reading: How To Leverage The Art Of Social Selling? – What It Is, Why It Matters, And How It Can Be Done.

3. Elevator Pitch           


  1. Help teams understand how to grab prospects’ attention.
  2. Enabling creativity in the team to craft their first elevator pitch.

The elevator pitch is designed to get closer to prospective clients. The intent here is not to make a sale or market something but to get a response from the prospects.

How to play

Team leads create an elevator pitch for the example product of their choice. Each team member is given the task of crafting an elevator pitch. 

The exciting thing about this game is that it can be played with the whole team. Team leads can then decide the winners based on their favorite pitch.

Outcomes: Crafting a sales pitch is a task that requires an understanding of the customer’s psychology, knowing the target audience, and having good writing skills. Through this game,

team members can learn the art of crafting the perfect sales pitch.                

4. Sell Me This Pen 


  1. Teach teams how to sell anything to the prospects through self-selling intelligently.
  2. Build confidence among the team members.

How to play

The idea for this game came obviously from the movie “The Wolf of the wall street. ” This game intends to introduce teams to intelligent ways of selling.

It can be a pen, book, bottle, or anything. The trick is to first get the response from the person they’re selling to and sell smartly at the moment.

Sales managers or sales leads have to show an example of selling a product to teams. Then assign a task to every team member to successfully sell the pen. 

Their challenge is finding customer needs, interests, and pain points and addressing exact solutions.

Outcomes: It’s the beginning of the process of understanding the sales. This game enhances understanding of what goes in and out of real-world selling.

Recommended reading: How to sell faster in 2022?

5. Conduct a Competitive Analysis


  1. To teach how to perform competitor analysis.
  2. To develop case studies based on how to implement competitive research                   strategies.

You don’t have to reinvent the wheel all the time. Sometimes we need to focus on what’s already working and follow the pattern.

You could even have a whole team dedicated to competitive analysis. Even if those issues come in their first sales call, your new sales worker may not know all of your comparative strengths and drawbacks.

Teaching your sales team how to conduct proper competitive research has several advantages for you and your business—for instance,

  1. Gives salespeople access to existing internal material on the issue.
  2. For a more thorough deep dive, it might focus on one single component of your product/service.

How to play

Assign each team member a task to conduct a competitive analysis of the ideal client. Make a note of how they do it and guide them wherever they fall short.


  1. Gain thorough knowledge of how to perform competitor analysis.
  2.   Get a sense of how the market works and develop strategies accordingly.
  3.   Learn to have a positive approach towards competitors.

6. “Say My Name!”


  1. Develop communication skills and a habit of remembering longer names.
  2. To equip teams with collaboration skills.

How to play

The game works best when the game is played with the reps who haven’t had much time to engage. The more the number of people on the team, the better. This game can be assigned as a task.

To begin with, walk the team through the processes of how the memory palace works.

To create a memory palace, tell the reps to pick an area they’re familiar with (it could be a home, a hostel, a high school, or a theme park).

Let them begin playing by making a list of the names they wish to remember and stick each name to their memory by placing it inside a familiar building or memory palace in a precise location.

Ask reps to take a walk around memory palace and call each of the saved names.

Once they’ve finished building and furnishing the memory palace. Let them walk through that familiar spot whenever they want to recall a name. 

In the next meeting, have each sales rep introduce themselves and tell the group one exciting thing about the memory palace. 

Allow everyone a few minutes to place one person at a time in their memory palace before going on to the next. Allow a few team members to try to recall everyone’s name once the session is ended.

Outcomes: A professional relationship may be ruined due to the habit of forgetting names. Training sales reps on establishing a memory palace may prevent reps from ruining relationships.

Does Your Team Need Practical Sales Training?

Never have an issue with coaching the sales team again – AI-powered Sales training software will make sales training a breeze and assist your sales staff in regularly closing more deals without pushing your prospects.

Artificial intelligence-based sales strategy and Sales coaching tools will help your teams ace the game and skyrocket your sales.