Experience the soul-stirring scenery, beautiful big cities, romantic palaces, and half-timbered towns of Germany on a trip to discover this country’s rich history and culture. Germany has gained a higher profile as a travel destination in recent years. The most popular destination is Berlin, one of the most fascinating capitals in Europe. Here is the list of top 6 travel destinations to visit in Germany

 1) Berlin:

 If you only have time for one trip to Germany, make sure it’s Berlin. The country’s capital is one of Europe’s most dynamic and vibrant cities—popular for its superb dining experiences and shopping and entertainment.

 2) Munich:

 Munich is one of Germany’s most popular tourist destinations. Its location on the edge of Bavaria’s beautiful Alps and its rich history and culture have made it a must-see for travelers worldwide.

 Founded in 1158, Munich had a major influence on the development of Germany as a whole. In fact, it was one of the first cities to develop into an important center for arts and trade – as well as religion – and its rapid growth saw it become an important cultural center in its own right.

 Today, no visit to Munich would be complete without a visit to one or more of its many churches: Peterskirche (built during the 1300s), Frauenkirche (the city’s most recognized building), Michaelskirche (a Renaissance-era church), and more.

 3) Koblenz & the Rhine Valley:

 Rheinstein Castle, perched on a rock overlooking the Rhine Valley, is a great place to spend a day or two. The views from the castle’s terraces are spectacular, and you can easily explore the cobblestone streets of Koblenz by foot.

Dotting the river banks are numerous quaint old towns and spectacular old castles, fun to explore on a hop-on, hop-off day pass on regular ferry services, or as part of a longer river cruise that takes in other parts of the Rhine, or even by car or bicycle.

 4)Cologne Cathedral: 

 The Cologne Cathedral is a marvel of High Gothic architecture and one of the largest cathedrals in Europe. This masterpiece was built over 600 years, and it’s easy to see why it took so long to complete.

 The stunning interior also features panoramic views from the South Towers, 12th- and 13th-century stained glass in the Three Kings Chapel, and a treasury with many precious objects—all of which survived largely intact after WWII.

 5) Rugen Island:

 Rugen Island is a scenic spot in Germany, with romantic seaside resorts and charming villas that have attracted tourists since the 18th century. Rugen Island has connections to mainland Germany via the Rugen Bridge and Rugen Causeway, which makes it simple for visitors to access its gorgeous landscapes, historic old towns, and beautiful beaches.

 But what really draws travelers to this island is its star attraction: The Jasmund National Park. This park is famous for its unique chalk cliffs rising 161 meters over the sea.

 Another notable feature of Rugen Island is Cape Arkona, East Germany’s northernmost tip, where travelers can visit an old light house and remnants of a Slavic castle and enjoy views of fishing villages from above.

 6) Lake Constance:

 Lake Constance is the jewel of the German-speaking world, lying between Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. It is popular with Germans and tourists from all over the world for its scenic beauty, romantic atmosphere, and favorable climate.

 Sports lovers will find plenty of opportunities for water and land activities, including sailing, windsurfing, canoeing, or swimming at one of the many sand and pebble beaches. Explorers will enjoy Baroque castles and churches; monasteries; reconstructed Stone Age dwellings in Pfahlbauten (dugout boats).