Air ventilation is the process of moving air into and out of space. Ventilation can be used to control temperature, humidity, and air quality. It can also help to prevent the spread of contaminants and fumes. There are many different ventilation systems, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. Some common ventilation systems include natural ventilation, mechanical ventilation, and forced air ventilation.

Natural ventilation

Natural ventilation uses windows and doors to let fresh air in and stale air out. This type of ventilation can be used to control temperature, humidity, and air quality. It can also help to prevent the spread of contaminants and fumes. Natural ventilation is a passive system, which means it does not require any mechanical parts or energy to operate. The main disadvantage of natural ventilation is that it is not always possible to control the amount of fresh air entering the space.

Mechanical ventilation

Mechanical ventilation uses fans and other mechanical devices to move air into and out of space. This type of ventilation can be used to control temperature, humidity, and air quality. In the Axial fan and air handling unit, air ventilation is the main concern in the HVAC system.

It can also help to prevent the spread of contaminants and fumes. Mechanical ventilation is an active system, which means it requires energy to operate. The main disadvantage of mechanical ventilation is that it can be noisy and expensive to maintain.

Forced air ventilation

Forced air ventilation is the process of using fans to force air into and out of space. This type of ventilation can be used to control temperature, humidity, and air quality. It can also help to prevent the spread of contaminants and fumes. Forced air ventilation is an active system, which means it requires energy to operate. The main disadvantage of forced air ventilation is that it can be noisy and expensive to maintain.

Supply ventilation

Ventilation is moving air in and out of space to regulate temperature or remove stale air. Supply ventilation is a type of ventilation where fresh air is introduced into a space, usually through an air duct or opening in the wall or ceiling. This type of ventilation is often used in commercial buildings, as it helps to keep the air quality high and prevent the build-up of dangerous fumes.

Additionally, supply ventilation can also be used to regulate the temperature of a space, as it can help to cool down a hot room or warm up a cold one. By introducing fresh air into a space, supply ventilation provides many benefits that improve the quality of the indoor environment.

Balanced ventilation

Balanced ventilation is a type of mechanical ventilation that is designed to distribute fresh air throughout a space evenly. This is accomplished by using an exhaust fan that removes stale air from the space and a supply fan that brings fresh air into the space.

By carefully balancing the amount of fresh and stale air being circulated, balanced ventilation helps to improve indoor air quality while also reducing energy costs.

Smoke ventilation

Smoke ventilation is a critical safety measure in any structure at risk of fire. Removing the smoke from the building allows people to evacuate safely and reduces the risk of respiratory problems. Additionally, smoke ventilation can help prevent the spread of fire by reducing the amount of available fuel. As a result, it is an essential part of any fire safety plan.