Apple is one of the leading tech giants offering its products and services all around the globe. However, working for Apple is one of the biggest dreams for professional candidates amongst different professional domains.

Experts like Nishant Chahar and many others believe that joining Apple takes a lot of practice and attention to the practice questions.

If joining the team of experts at Apple is your dream too, you are in for a tough competition. There are a lot of questions and varied types of interview rounds for which you have to prepare. If you are looking for the ultimate guide that can help you crack interviews at Apple, you have landed on the right page.

We will discuss how the interviews are structured and what the most common topics are asked during the Apple technical interviews. Getting access to top Apple interview questions make your preparation journey for the Apple interview easier!

Interview rounds at Apple

Apple interviews candidates for different domains including specifications like marketing, technology, operations, retail, administrative, accounting, retail, and much more.

Hence, it is important to form different forms of questions and interview rounds to examine particular skills efficiently.

There are various steps in the Apple interview process for technical posts. Following are the interview rounds at Apple:

  • Application for the job
  • Primary screening by tech experts
  • Online interview via FaceTime
  • Assignment to assessment exercises for all
  • Group discussions and assessments
  • Written assignment
  • On-site interview at Apple HQ.

Usually, it takes around 6-8 rounds of interviews to crack the job at Apple.

Each interview phase unfolds different aspects of a candidate’s profile and hence comes with varied questions. Let’s have a look at wide classification of categories of Questions asked during the Apple interviews.

Types of questions asked in apple interviews

During several HR rounds and technical rounds at Apple, various types of questions were asked at the Apple interview. Following are the categories of questions asked during Apple interviews:

  • Leadership questions
  • Behavioral questions
  • Technical questions
  • Questions based on acquired skills
  • Logical and general questions
  • Questions based on Apple’s history and working

Out of the different phases of interviews, the technical Apple interview questions are the hardest to crack. But what are the important topics to cover before appearing for apple interviews? The next segment contains the list of top interview questions asked during apple interviews.

Top interview questions for Apple interviews

The top interview questions asked during the technical phase of the interview at Apple are as follows:

  • Array-based questions

Calculate the sum of the first 10 positive integers

In this problem, you will be given an array of 10 elements and you will be asked to find the sum of all the elements. Though this question is quite easy to crack and the code is simple to generate, it is still one of the most important coding questions.

This question can easily be resolved by running a look from the 0th element to the 10th element and adding them up. Finally, return the value of the sum from the function and print the same.

  • Overlapping based questions

This problem statement asks you to merge the elements overlapping in a list. It will generate a list that contains mutually exclusive intervals only. You will have to return a new output array as a solution for this particular input array.

In this problem, you have to declare a list of elements in a function and use merge properties to identify and merge the overlapping elements. At last, simply return the array as an output.

  • Linked list-based questions

In this type of problem, you are asked to print the sum of two elements in the linked list with the approach of your choice.

Declare the function to add two elements to a linked list. Pass the elements of the linked lists into this function as an argument and return the sum as the final output of this function. You must learn linked list operations to execute this code

  • Merging based questions

Such questions are asked with different data structures and data types. For example, the problem statement can ask you to merge two arrays of the same or varying lengths. In this, you will have to generate a code in which you accept two arrays from the user as input.

Now, generate a function that merges these two inputs and takes them as arguments. Return a merged array from this function and print for final results.

The same question can be formed for different problem statements such as merging the given linked lists, merging 3 different arrays, and many more. However, the approach to resolve this coding problem is kept the same all over the data structures.

  • Binary tree-based questions

Similar to merging and sorting the array, binary tree concepts can also be asked in different problem statements. You can be asked to print views of binary trees, check if two binary trees are identical or not, and many more such questions. The approach to resolving such questions are based on your knowledge of the binary trees, their execution, views, and overall operations on them. With a deep understanding of the binary trees, you can solve the binary tree problem statements easily.

  • String based questions

Strings are one of the most commonly asked Apple interview questions from technical candidates. Various problem statements such as is the string palindrome or not, get the number of characters in a string, and such problem statements can be asked. In such questions, you will have to generate a code with multiple functions that accept a string from the user and apply various conditional operations to it.

The most common string-based question is whether the string is palindrome Or not.

In this case, you have two methods through which you can analyze the string. These methods are through recursion and a dynamic programming approach. You may be asked to dry run this code and hence must learn the properties of a palindrome properly.

Winding up

Apple interview questions can be framed in N number of ways by the interviewers to test and observe the skills of candidates. Experts like Nishant Chahar believe that the candidate must cover the basic coding fundamentals to resolve problem statements and answer the interview questions adequately.

A good grasp of subjects like data structures, algorithms, operating systems, and such can improve your chances of getting selected by the biggest tech giant, Apple!