A hormonal imbalance can lead to a wide range of health issues, including yeast infections, sensitive breasts, heavy menstrual bleeding, and acne. There are many ways to fix it, but bioidentical hormones replacement therapy is the most popular (HRT). The advantages and hazards of hormone replacement therapy as well as the most effective methods will be covered in this book.

What are bioidentical hormones?

Although many women are unaware that bioidentical hormones exist or are easily accessible, they are FDA-approved and have been on the market for more than 40 years. They closely mirror the body’s naturally occurring steroid sex hormones, such as oestrogen, estradiol, estriol, testosterone, progesterone, and cortisol.

The molecules, which are made from yam and soil oils, are concentrated and refined to resemble the structure of human hormones. This facilitates their ability to attach to our hormone receptors, improving health and wellness with minimal negative effects. Menopausal symptoms and other hormonal abnormalities can be effectively treated with bioidentical hormone formulations.

You can find out whether hormones are bioIDentic if it only says the name of the hormone (for example, ‘estradiol’ or ‘progesterone’) rather than ‘thuggish’ (conjugated horse estrogen) or ‘provera’ (medroxiprogesterone). bioidentical hormone products such as patch estrogen, estradiol tablets, and progesterone capsules, are available commercially. It is important not only to get bioidentical products when changing hormones but also to ensure that the delivery system is correct.

What is a falsified synthetic hormone?

The synthetic hormone that is falsified is often used to treat hormone imbalances, but is not similar to hormones that are produced naturally by the body. The term “synthetic hormone” is often used alone to distinguish between this and bioidentical hormone, both of which are synthesized. However, while both of them are man -made, bioidentical hormones are made to be more suitable for naturally produced hormones, while the falsified synthetic hormones are designed to be a little chemical differently so that pharmaceutical companies can patent the product, which can be seen in branding on patches.

The most common hormonal replacement therapy for menopausal women contains premarin, the replacement of estrogen originating from the urine of a pregnant horse.

It mainly contains estrone and estrogen; which is closely binding to our estrogen receptors, making. it very stimulating and potentially carcinogenic. Provera, which is similar; to progesterone, is often combined with Preemarin, and the mixture is called prepro.

However, this combination can cause a number of side effects such as bloating and nausea; unusual vaginal bleeding, blurred vision, and headaches. In more serious cases, the treatment of synthetic hormones that are forged . It can promote the formation of blot lumps, insulin resistance, cholesterol production; and increased cardiovascular risk.

A study conducted by a female health initiative more than ten years ago through all HRT concepts to Tailspin. The original goal is to highlight the benefits of HRT. Participants are women in menopause; many of them are over 70 years old; and the treatment is combined with Preemarin and Provera.

Those who run this study hope to see a reduced risk of heart disease but actually see an increased risk; along with the risk of greater breast cancer. Women suddenly told to stop taking their hormones, even if they responded well to them.

Boidentical hormone versus synthetic hormones

Studies show that there are little or no side effects with bioidentical hormone. It is most women report improved quality of life when changing from the falsified synthetic hormone. Better, the natural forms of progesterone and estrogen help reduce the risk of stroke; breast cancer and heart attack.

Contact Dr. uribe from the AB Hormone Therapy provides the Best hormone therapy and solution. Contact them now!