Hail storms can take a toll on both your car, home, and business. Though hail of any size can cause damage to your vehicle – hailstones 1-inch in diameter are likely to do far more harm to your car. Should it impact your car? If you see hailstorms on the horizon, be wary that you may get stuck in one when driving – best to have an emergency kit and plan worked out for this possibility at all times. It’s important to know what type of damages hail leaves behind because not all cases of weather damage are the same. Hail damage comes in many forms like dents, paint issues, and damaged windshields, so be sure to know how to deal with these problems appropriately before they arise!

So many hail damage service stations are there in Hondo TX, you should consider visiting one depending upon your budget and requirements! Nonetheless, here are different kinds of hail damages that your car may get if you encounter a storm while driving:


Dents are one of the most common forms of sustained hail damage after a storm. Dents are more prevalent depending on the severity of the hailstorm and usually vary in size and depth. Hailstones often leave dents that are conical in nature, sometimes injuring your hood, roof, and side panels in turn. They can even appear on your vehicle door, making it harder to open but also giving it a visual aesthetic you might not have otherwise wanted!

Paint Damage

Hail can fall from the sky just like rain, and it can leave a strange residue that can lead to chipping or scratching on your car. This could happen regardless of the size of the hail, so make sure you look over your vehicle after a hailstorm has ended to see if there are any signs of damage. If you notice strange leftover marks on your car, hail is probably what caused it. Fortunately, you can easily find several hail damage Stone Oak; you can take your vehicle there!

Cracked Mirror, Glass, & Lights

Hail can cause a lot of damage to your vehicle including cracks in your windshield and even shattered glass that may inadvertently injure you. If you notice any cracks, then be sure to keep the windows closed when entering or exiting your car because there could still be shattered glass on the seats or in the back.

The Bottom Line

Hail storms can cause damage to your car in many ways. Washes and paints are especially prone to chip damage during a storm but must you be wary of the windows being cracked or shattered, too. The smaller the stones, the more frequent they will come down. They’ll also typically fall on their own and it’s not uncommon for one stone to cause thousands of dollars worth of damage if it hits just right during a bad storm. If the stones keep coming at the same time each day – so by regularly relying on weather reports you can better prepare for hail storms.

However, if you need top-class auto hail damage repair services in Boerne, you can get in touch with Elite Hail. It is one of the best dent repair service stations in TX, well-known for offering high-end car damage repair services at the most reasonable cost. Here’s the agency’s website link: www.elitehailintl.com