Custom Bottle Boxes - Custom Bottles Packaging Wholesale

Few points to consider before choosing the bottle packaging

Glass bottles and jars are highly sensitive, and sometimes these bottles are full of costly products, so security is the foremost purpose of packing these bottles inside the bottle packaging. On the other hand, the bottles also need informative and amazingly designed packaging designs. Here are a few points that are required to be considered before purchasing the bottle packaging.

Robust boxes that would secure the bottles

There are many products that come in 10ml bottles, so such products need 10ml bottle packaging; such packaging is made from high-quality material that is able to provide safe shelter to the bottles. Mostly the corrugation wraps are inserted to add extra protection to the bottle packaging. A few other options are also available that would enhance the safety of the box, like the coating and laminations. These costing and laminations can reflect the UV rays of sunshine and also help the products to stay secure from moisture. 

Designing is also an important feature of bottle packaging

The protection is the most important chunk of bottle packaging, but it does not mean that you can overlook other important features like the design. The design is always inclusive of the right placement of icons, symbols, logos, and typographies with any other artwork. If all these things are arranged in the box design according to a specific pattern, then it would entice the visual senses of the viewers. 

Do not forget about the unique shaping options

If you want to add a twist to the bottle packaging, then you should try unique shapes like the boxes in the shape of the bottles. However, for this, special dies and cutting are required, but it would endow amazing appeal to the bottle packaging. However, a few common shapes are also available, including reverse and straight tuck end boxes. This sort of packaging is mostly used for medicine bottles. Add to this there are brands that use bookend boxes for the 10ml bottle packaging. Such type of packaging is also a great option for perfume bottles. 

Kraft made 100 percent recyclable packaging

Go green is one of the best qualities that are also appreciated by the audience as all and one know the bad impact of the non-recyclable packaging options. Therefore the packaging makers also introduce the eco-friendly bottle packaging that is created by using the Kraft paper material that is 100 percent recyclable. And at the time of decomposition, they would not leave any harmful impacts on the ecology. With this material, you can also select other protection options for the bottle packaging that would enhance the safety of the bottles. 

Final thoughts

The bottle packaging would make your products safer, adorable, and out of the crowd. So, if you need affordable prices for your bottle packaging, then you should go for a quantity order that comes with quantity discounts.