The cases of dengue are increasing day by day and people residing in tropical regions are more prone to dengue fever. Dengue fever is caused due to the bite of an infected mosquito and may turn out to be a deathly disease if proper actions are not considered. 


Monsoon seems to be so pleasing, right? But, with the monsoon, there comes the arrival of dengue or malaria disease.  Still water is home to mosquitoes, they breed in stagnant water and increase the risk of dengue fever. 


How will you know about dengue fever? The body shows certain symptoms like vomiting followed by blood, headache, high fever, body ache, rashes, and weakness. In such a case, you might need a dengue or malaria test to know about the cause of those symptoms.

Let’s give you a brief on dengue fever and make you amicable with the ways of managing fever and its harmful effects on the body. 

Dengue Fever


Dengue Fever:- Summary

Dengue fever is a viral disease that can spread from one person to another. Dengue symptoms are an alarming sign that calls for a test soon. Let’s give you elaborate information on the signs and symptoms of dengue fever. 

Constant Vomiting 

Persistent vomiting may occur 3 times a day and sometimes result in bleeding. Blood appears while vomiting which means you require immediate medical help.

Extreme Abdominal Pain 

Dengue fever is followed by extreme abdominal pain which often leads to diarrhea. Hence, diarrhea also comes under the symptoms of dengue fever. 

High Fever and Headache 

The body’s immune system becomes weaker and you might get a fever which shows that your body is fighting against the virus. A high fever is followed by extreme headaches. 


Irritation in the skin often results in itching and causes rashes and redness on the skin. Rashes might result in skin allergies. 


Treatment and Remedies 

After the dengue Fever test, the doctor proceeds with dengue treatment. The treatment of dengue includes certain medications and drugs which help you in getting the disease. During dengue fever, a person needs to take complete care of themselves. Follow the home remedies given below for speedy recovery. 


  • Juice of Papaya Leaf:- 

The juice of papaya leaf is an excellent home remedy as it improves the immune system to fight against the dengue virus. For making papaya juice, take some leaves of papaya and crush them using a mortar and pestle and mix with water, you can also take the help of a mixer grinder. Have it twice a day to improve your health. 


  • Guava Juice:-

Guava contains different types of nutrients and it is highly rich in Vitamin C which builds up the immune system. During dengue fever, it is crucial to make your immune system stronger and guava juice is the best way to do that. A glass of guava juice every day without fail makes a stronger immune system. Not only guava juice, but eating guava is also beneficial. 


  • Giloy Juice:-

Giloy juice is good for improving the metabolism rate of the body. It helps in increasing blood platelets and upgrading the immune system. The best way to consume giloy juice is by adding warm or luke water and must have it twice a day for effective results.

Note:- Too much consumption of giloy juice provides harm to the body. Hence, consume it in a limited quantity. 


  • Fenugreek Seeds:- 

Soaking fenugreek seeds overnight and consuming it in the morning is good for your health. It helps in maintaining the metabolism rate and in making the immunity system stronger. Fenugreek water contains vitamin C, and K as well as fiber which is good for the body. 


  • Healthy Foods:- 

Your diet needs to be healthy and must contain all the necessary vitamins. Having vitamin and mineral rich foods is highly essential to make your immune system during dengue fever. Without a strong immune system, it would be difficult for the body to fight against the virus and get rid of dengue fever. Green vegetables, dairy products, protein-rich foods, nuts, and seeds must be there in your diet. 


Know More About The Dengue Test 

A dengue  Fever test helps in knowing about the virus invading the body. With the help of test results, the doctor knows about your health condition and prescribes you the needed treatment and drugs. Detailed information about the test lies with your pathologist, they guide you further on the test and how to prepare yourself for the test. 


Consult with your doctor to have full details on the medications and drugs. Besides, consider going to a well-known diagnostic center so that you get exceptional health service without any hassle. Delaying the test result is irritating, make sure you choose a well-known health center for the prompt delivery of the test reports.