What are net zero homes?

Net zero homes are homes that produce as much energy as they consume over the course of a year. The word net zero is actually more complicated. But for our purposes, all you need to know is that this means the home can instead produce as much clean energy and water as it uses.

Net zero homes in Vancouver help businesses reduce their carbon footprint and have a positive effect on global warming. They also reduce pollution and provide greater security. This is enabled by producing heating, cooling, lighting, ventilation, and wastewater management systems that are powered by renewable sources.

Why should you aim for net zero home?

Net zero home can be an inspirational approach to sustainability. They can reduce fossil fuel consumption by 27% and, in the long term, will save costs.

Homeowners are more likely to purchase more efficient appliances and get better energy-saving features for their smart homes. Many net zero homes also involve green roofs and rainwater collection systems. This helps the local ecosystem by filtering toxins from the air and water.

What steps can you take to create a net zero home?

There are a few things that you can do on the way to creating net zero homes in Vancouver. Make your home more energy efficient by insulating the walls and lowering HVAC output.

If you have time, remodel appliances and change the furnace filter frequently. The idea is to make small changes that save energy. So these steps may seem insignificant, but if everyone did them, they would make a big difference.

To know more about HAVAN’s Home Buying Masterclass please visit our website: havan.ca