Both residential and commercial leasing is similar in that after your lease term has ended, you are required to do office make good Sydney. Making good means you need to ensure the office is handed over back to the landlord the same way it was when you came in. It is important to remember the partition walls you demolished before getting in or the new kitchen you installed. If you have not negotiated with the landlord to keep these things in place after your lease, you could be up to a heavy task and serious expenses when it comes time to move out. Here are some useful tips for making good

Avoid it if possible

The best way to make good your office after your lease has ended is to avoid doing it in the first place. When it comes to negotiating your lease with your agent or landlord, it is important to ask to have your landlord remove the clause from your lease. This is easier said than done but you need to have some bargaining skills to convince your landlord. Part of your negotiation strategy should be to ask your landlord for the clause to be removed.

Keep the existing fitout

If you are leasing a new office that has an existing fitout then there is a good chance that you won’t be expected to make good after you complete your lease if you keep things as they are. The fewer things you change, the less money you will spend on office make good.

Before going wild contacting an interior designer, it is important to consider the costs involved. You will need to pay to construct your new fitout. Also, when you decide to move on, you will need to pay for the removal of your fitout. You may also have to replace what was there in the first place.

It is important to keep in mind that some landlords push for you to do a make good even if you are moving into fitout. This means you will have to budget the make good obligations to the previous tenants and you will not know if they had to pay them. Make sure you get professional advice before signing a new lease contract.

Request make good guidelines

It is important to ask your real estate agent or your landlord to provide you with their guidelines concerning office make-goods. The guidelines will outline the job your builder will have to complete to fulfil your lease obligation concerning make good. Don’t start any work without having this information clarified or talking to a professional.

Consider a cash settlement

Since office make good Sydney can be a time-consuming project, you can negotiate with your landlord to leave your office fitout in place at the end of the lease and arrange for a cash settlement of carrying out a make good. If you choose this path, it is best to talk about the option before signing off on the lease. You will want to confirm the correct payout figure so that you can have it incorporated into your contract.