For many people, air conditioning is the single most important system in their home. That’s because it provides cooling relief to places like bedrooms, bathrooms, and kitchens that are too warm or stuffy. The main benefit of AC is that it prevents mold and mildew from growing on your flooring. The higher humidity level caused by AC evaporates moisture on surfaces like tile, carpeting, and hardwood. Other benefits of purchasing AC for your home:

Lower Utility Bills

Cooling your home in the summer will use less energy than using fans. The U.S. Department of Energy states that the average American household spends about $1,200 a year on energy costs. Energy bills will be lower if you set the temperature in your home no higher than 82 degrees. Your AC will not have to work as hard to cool a cooler room, and it won’t cycle on and off as often.

Reduced Allergens

In addition to reducing mold and mildew, air conditioning also lowers allergy-causing pollen levels during the warmest months. That makes it easier to stay indoors when they’re active outside. It also protects if you’re sensitive to dust and other airborne particulates. A study conducted by the National Weather Service indicates that pollen levels are lower when temperatures are lower. Opening windows to allow fresh air causes pollen levels to increase.

Reduced Stress

Studies show that stress levels go up in hot weather and down in cooler weather. A study conducted by Harvard Medical School showed that people exposed to moderate temperatures had more mild-mannered behavior than those exposed to extreme temperatures. That’s because the stress hormone cortisol is released in hotter weather.

Enhanced Productivity

An almost universal phenomenon occurs at work when air conditioning is introduced. That involves efficiency levels increasing to the point where people are willing to stay on the job longer and come in to work earlier. One study showed that productivity rose by 3% simply by introducing a ducted split system. That alone can save the company money and increase profit margins by lowering worker absenteeism.

More Efficient Aging

Researchers at the University of Maine found that air-conditioning lowers the body’s core temperature, making older people feel cooler. That leads to more positive feelings about themselves and their ability to perform tasks. The theory is that a cool body doesn’t want to heat up as much, reducing the energy people will expend to stay warm. That lowers the risk of heart attacks and strokes because the body isn’t working as hard.

Healthier Skin

A study conducted by doctors at Georgetown University showed that many dermatological issues are worsened by exposure to extreme temperatures. That includes both oily and dry skin and rashes, body acne, and even hair quality. Air conditioners help in those cases because they prevent hot air from amplifying the damage people suffer from sun exposure in hot weather.

Fewer Bugs

Air conditioning keeps the outside cooler in the summer, which keeps bug populations lower. Studies show that the cooler night temperatures will keep bugs from crawling indoors. It won’t be as comfortable for them to be out in the heat as in a cooler home.

Conserving Water

AC doesn’t use water as a cooling agent, which means you can save up to $200 per year on water costs. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency estimates that the average person can save 9,000 gallons of water per year by turning off the faucet while brushing their teeth. The same principle applies to letting dishes air dry instead of using the dishwasher and saving money on water and electricity.

More Refreshing Sleep

Sleep is made more comfortable by the cooling temperature of an air conditioner. Multiple studies have shown that people who sleep in cooler environments wake up with more energy than those in warmer ones. The body is not trying as hard to stay cool, reducing fatigue and improving memory retention. The National Sleep Foundation showed that AC has a significant effect on how well people sleep at night. That means it lowers stress levels, reduces fatigue, and makes people more productive in their daily lives.


An AC is, therefore, a must in any home. But you have to make sure that you have the best AC for your home to ensure that your family will be comfortable when the summer comes.