The UiPath best practices, along with a brief explanation of each, are presented in the following list. 

Organizing the Project, The organization of the project is a crucial part of the building process.

Reliable, Maintainable, Efficient, and Extensible for the development of workflows that are capable of handling faults, take less time to complete and are simple to update if changes are required. 

Beginning with the Project UiPath, a number of different layouts, including flowcharts, sequences, and state machines, are provided. 

to get started on the project, as well as to get started with the automation’s implementation. Get a deep understanding of UIpath by fetching yourself with UiPath Training in Chennai.


The sequence is required if the user wishes to carry out some instructions but there is no need to pick which ones to carry out first. 

It is a straightforward workflow that carries out the phases in sequential order. 

Flow Diagram 

There is a demand for branching in the project, a flow chart is employed. This can help automate complex business processes and connect numerous operations. 

State Machine 

When dealing with complex business processes, state machines and flow charts come in handy. However, the state machine does have some benefits, such as the fact that it encompasses the operations. 

It can be divided into three distinct stages: entry, exit, and transition. 

It is also possible to provide a condition, based on which it will transition to a different state. 

Interrupt the Flow of Work 

When there are several selections that need to be made, the layout choice becomes much more important. Nested decisions should be used if there are a lot of decisions. 

If the statement is not the optimal option, then we should separate the workflow into many workflows and employ the decision-making that the flowchart provides. 

By doing so, we can break down a difficult situation into straightforward steps that are easy to handle.

Error Handling 

When we try to execute the workflow after it has been completed, it should not halt every single little problem that we encounter. 

Handling exceptions have to be implemented. Determine which workflows have the potential to produce mistakes, and then place the entire workflow inside a try block. 

Restart the Program in Question 

A number of workflows carry out activities in a free browser, launch apps, or open a file. Nevertheless, if it is not dismissing the applications once they have been executed, it will start the same program each time it is repeated.

In order to properly manage this scenario, a workflow that closes all of the currently active browsers and programs is required. The implementation of RPA within ERP systems enables firms to reduce the amount of labor and expense associated with time-consuming initiatives. 

Explore “Implementing RPA in ERP for Systems Transformation” by clicking on the link provided.

 Get to know about UIpath practices through UIpath Online Training Which gives broad knowledge under the guidance of virtual experts.

In order to restart the Application Kill Process, you will need to: 

It is possible to kill a specific process by providing its name as an argument to the kill process command.

In order to exit Google Chrome, we can specify “chrome” as the name of the process we want to kill in the killing process. 

Put an end to the application. 

One more activity that is required to be completed in order to reset the application is to close the application. 

We have the ability to denote the application that is not required to be opened. 

Stop Job If there is any process now running in the orchestrator, we will use the Stop job command, which takes the name of the orchestrator folder as a parameter and then stops the job that is currently present in that folder. 

Put A Stop To It! 

It draws attention to the window of the application that should not be open and notifies the user to close the display using the activity titled “Close window.” 

Close Tab 

The Shut tab activity is available for use if there is a requirement to close only the current browser tab. The browser’s name must be provided as a parameter to dismiss the tab in that specific browser. 

Workflows That Are Easy to Read 

Imagine there is a workflow that is responsible for the automation of a certain task.

In that scenario, it ought to have a job that is descriptive, activities ought to have a name that explains the action that they perform, and the variable ought to have a name that describes the value that it stores. 

In order to accurately depict the functionality of a component, annotation and comments need to be provided. 

Independently Inputted 

If the workflow reads any file and subsequently processes the data contained within that file, the input file ought to be stored within a folder. 

In the event that the workflow requires any URLs, names of credential stores, or any other type of environment variable, the relevant information should be saved in a configuration file and read directly from that file. 

At last, if you need to get further information about UIpath technology. Get into FITA Academy. They offer top-end UiPath Training in Bangalore under the surveillance of industry professionals.