A healthy heart translates to a healthy life. For a heart to keep working efficiently adequate supply of blood is necessary. Arteries are the blood vessels responsible for carrying oxygen-rich blood to the heart. Have you wondered what happens when the arteries cannot do so? Then, you may experience severe complications, even a heart attack.

Coronary artery disease is when the arteritis supplying oxygenated blood to the heart gets blocked. This happens owing to the presence of plaque. The deposit of cholesterol builds within the arteries, causing them to become narrow, eventually leading to either a partial or complete blockage of the artery. This process is called atherosclerosis.

Here is a brief guide about the causes and complications you experience when suffering from coronary artery disease.


The reason is primarily blockage in the arteries. This blockage develops due to various reasons like:

  • High cholesterol levels
  • High blood pressure
  • Diabetes
  • Sedentary lifestyle
  • Smoking

Plaques could build up anytime. In several cases, plaques appear as early as childhood. Specific causes are beyond human control. So, strive to live a healthy life and safeguard your heart health. Eating healthy, being physically active, and managing stress effectively are changes that you must adopt.


Following are the complications you face due to coronary artery disease:


You experience chest pain due to reduced blood supply to the heart here. When the coronary artery of your heart gets blocked, the heart does not get adequate blood supply as it should. This is true when you do extensive physical activity like jogging. Someone with coronary artery disease goes through severe angina and shortness of breath.

Abnormal heart rhythm

The heart requires blood supply and other body parts to function correctly. When the heart does not get oxygenated blood correctly, its functioning falls apart. This interferes with your heart’s electrical impulse leading to abnormal heart rhythm.

Heart Attack

This is the most prevalent complication that patients with coronary artery disease suffer. A heart attack is also fatal if you do not receive the required medical assistance.

Heart failure

Some parts of your heart are deeply deprived of oxygen. If you have suffered from a heart attack, your heart becomes weak and incapable of pumping sufficient blood. This leads to heart failure. If you feel that your body is not functioning appropriately and struggle to breathe normally, consult a doctor immediately. Do not ignore any signs and act without any delay. A late diagnosis may even cost your life.