The stages of alcoholism are categorized into three major stages, which are as follows:

  1. Stage one (early stage)
  2. Stage two (middle stage)
  3. Stage three (end-stage)

These three stages of alcoholism are the steps that an alcoholic unwarily treads as alcohol intake dosages increase. It will begin with the tiniest craving for alcohol to uncontrolled craving, then finally to the craving, which is accompanied by a weakened immune system making the alcoholic more susceptible to deadly diseases.

Drinking a bottle or two for males and non-pregnant ladies is okay. For pregnant women, they need admission to an inpatient perinatal center for alcohol abuse. As explained by science, this consumption ratio actually helps to oxidize the body and digest nutrients better. It’s healthy actually, and people who are in control to take this kind of ratio function well. Now, the problem is also about control. If a person fails to handle the normal designated liquor intake, the results will really turn ugly as it will advance an occasional or regular drinker to an alcoholic; gradually making his way to deadly stages of alcoholism little by little. If you are an alcoholic, listed below are the three stages of alcoholism to help you confirm it before it is too late:

Stage One

This is the first stage. In this stage, the alcoholic develops the craving for alcohol with the mentality that having more than the normal volume will make him or her feel better or alter his or her mood. It may cause him or her to feel better about his or her well-being and, in most cases, allow him or her to function well mentally or physically and in most cases both. This is because alcohol has the ability to make the blood levels rise, making the blood and oxygen distribution throughout the body better.

Stage two

It is the advanced level of alcoholism wherein personality change is evident. The alcoholic now becomes more violent and moody and has a great tendency to hurt others. In this stage, he may also realize that there is already a problem, and others can clearly see this change too. Despite the known signs, being powerless to control alcoholism, the person may tend to be more defensive and deny what is really going on.

Stage Three

The gradually increased alcohol intake is now taking its toll on the human body, which makes an individual lose total control of his addiction to liquor, thus, making his body weaker. This happens because when the body receives more than the alcohol level it can handle, it will lose the capacity to process the alcohol taken by the alcoholic. When the body loses the ability to digest what is taken in, the filtering power of the liver will also be affected, and the toxin of the alcohol will now reach the bloodstream making the body deteriorate slowly, the heart to fail its normal function and eventually death due to multiple organ failure will now be in the scene to take the alcoholic’s life.

The consequences of uncontrolled drinking will really make a person pay the huge price he or she can afford, i.e., life. If you think that you or any person dear to you is walking this path to self-destruction step by step through the above-listed stages of alcoholism, do not hesitate to take quick action.