vet clinic Savannah GA

Cats are not exempted from having stressful days. These animals get exposed to scenarios and factors that cause emotional and physical strain on them. Though cats have innate physiological systems that respond against these stressors, you can still do something to help them relieve stress.

If you have an indoor cat, you would not want her to always be in a stressed mood. Stress in cats may lead to sudden behavioral changes and various cat diseases. So, help prevent your cat from becoming stressed by following the listed tips below:

  • Give all the needs of your cat for her daily sustenance. The list includes needs for feeding, grooming, scratching, rest, and recreation.
  • If you have more than one cat, remember the formula: one item per cat plus an extra one.”
  • Develop a strong and lasting relationship with your cat so she can feel secure, cared for, and confident.
  • Knowing the risk factors that may stress out your cat helps you become the best fur parent you can be. So ensure to pay attention to these elements to give your pet the wonderful life she deserves.

Take a proactive approach to your pet’s health with regular health and wellness checks at your Westside Animal Hospital.