The Float SPA is a unique experience that allows you to swim in a floating pod. During this process, you will experience ample relaxation and enjoyment.


When you are in the flotation pod, your senses will be relaxed, during the experience, you will feel only smell and taste, in a calm and dark environment, your ears will be slightly submerged and your eyes will be closed, allowing you to enter one. allow.


Enjoy the state of complete relaxation and the Inner Self Float SPA that comes with the experience. During this 1-hour experience, you can experience a zero-gravity floating spa in your own private space. You’ll float and lie on 10 inches of water and 500 kilograms of raw salt and magnesium while relaxing in this warm spot.


Because of the buoyancy of the water, gravity completely disappears, keeping your body floating in the flotation chamber. The water and air in the cabin are at your body temperature, making you feel completely relaxed and at ease floating around.


By reducing external stimuli, your body and mind can be rejuvenated, allowing you to remain in a state of deep relaxation during your flotation spa. At the end of the experience, you will come out of the flotation pods feeling refreshed and relieved of any aches and pains.


After the experience, you can also find inner peace. This floating spa experience can help you rethink and rediscover your soul mate. Step into this experience, swim free, relax and recharge yourself


What Happens in Float SPA Tube?


There is enough space. In the past, Float SPA therapy was mostly done in containers such as small water tanks, which were not suited to people with claustrophobic tendencies. Now, things have changed dramatically.


At Hefner’s Floating Bar, each suite is 2.44 meters long, 1.52 meters wide, and has a ceiling height of 2.13 meters, so you can stand up and stretch from time to time without feeling cramped. Complete privacy.


Float SPA therapy fully meets clients’ needs, especially to protect their privacy. The suite is lockable from the inside, with a separate shower and dressing area, as well as a full set of cleaning and toiletries.


Although flotation therapy requires full skin contact with water, if you go into the water in a swimsuit, you won’t be let down by others. Float SPA Enjoy the feeling of weightlessness to the fullest. This wonderful feeling comes from hundreds of kilograms of natural salt, which dissolve in about 1 ton of pure water.


The floating pool is similar to a large bathtub, and the water volume and temperature can be adjusted automatically. In addition, the suites are highly soundproofed and guests will not be disturbed by any noise except for the option of playing soft music.


Variable light. Traditional flotation therapy advocates a pitch-dark environment. The new flotation bar puts the power in the hands of customers. With the main lights off, the floater can automatically turn on half the lights, keeping the suit in low light.


No need to worry about cleanliness. After each customer has finished the treatment course, the water purification system will automatically turn on, and the purification process will be repeated at least 4 times until the pool water sterilized by ultraviolet rays reaches the standard of recyclability. go.


Adequate and flexible schedule. Today, floating bars provide services that can last for an hour or more. After the salty residue is removed from the body and hair with a shower, customers can head to the tea room to replenish hydration and electrolytes. Wide range of applications. There is no difficulty in floating therapy, the experiencer just needs to go with the flow.


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