What Is Selenium, And Who Uses Selenium?

Web applications can be tested using Selenium, an open-source, automated testing tool. Unfortunately, Selenium can only test online applications, so testing desktop and mobile apps are impossible. Alternative tools are available to test software and mobile applications, including HP’s QTP and Appium.To know more about selenium, join Selenium Training Institute in Chennai at FITA Academy.

An open-source programme called Selenium automates web browsers. It offers a single interface that enables you to create test scripts in several different programming languages, including Ruby, Java, PHP, Perl, Python, and C#.

Who uses Selenium?

Selenium’s versatility contributes to its popularity. Anyone who develops web-based software can use Selenium to test their code or application, from UI engineers performing visual regression tests following a new integration to lone freelance coders running short tests for troubleshooting.

Selenium testing is under the responsibility of QA engineers in a corporate setting. Their duties include reworking outdated test suites for more recent project iterations, maintaining test infrastructure, and designing targeted, non-flaky (i.e., deterministic) scripts to maximise test coverage and accuracy (from the Hub to the test-case library).To know more about who uses selenium, join Selenium Online Course.

They would be in charge of developing thorough test suites to identify “show-stopper” flaws and advise stakeholders on upgrading project performance benchmarks. Maximising test coverage and effectiveness is their ultimate objective, increasing the engineers’ collective productivity at work.

Which Browser Can I Run The Selenium Test On?

Today’s desktop and mobile browsers have built-in Selenium support for automation testing. The manufacturers of popular consumer browsers like Firefox, Chrome, Safari, IE, and Opera create and distribute their drivers.

Others have added bindings for collaboration with frameworks like PhantomJS, Qt, and others, as well as third-party drivers for specialised browsers like BlackBerry 10 and HtmlUnit, to the Selenium project during the years since it was first open-sourced.


I hope in this article, you have gained some insight regarding what selenium is and who uses selenium. To learn more about selenium and its unique applications, join the Best Selenium Training in Bangalore.