CenturyPly, since its inception, has had only one primary goal. To provide the best quality products to its users and to ensure that they have a seamless experience while shopping at their stores.

It not only provides you with high-quality items but also ensures the safety of your faith in them. They have consistently provided their clients with the best and most unique products over the years, and they intend to continue doing so in the future.

CenturyPly going Digital

We all know that the world is growing digital and that technological advancements are leading to a rise in online buying. Many businesses are starting to create websites in conjunction with their other businesses in order to reach out to more people and provide their products to clients all over the world.

With everything and anything going digital in recent years, CenturyPly too has taken a step towards this direction. Making the purchase experience for its customers more efficient than ever and also making its contribution towards the Digital India goal, the company has always had in mind the best for its customers.

With the launch of its online store, CenturyPly takes this goal a step further with the smooth and easy usability of its site, which makes it a quick and simple task for its users to shop.

How is CenturyEshop beneficial?

It has always been a key goal for Centuryply to provide the best quality plywood and laminates ever since the beginning. With its online sites, they aim to extend these quality services to places their brick and mortar stores can’t cover.

With the rise of cheap and poor quality plywood along with an alarming increase in fake and duplicates of other companies in the market, its online store also aims to eliminate such problems for its customers.

CenturyPly provides its customers with a QR code through which they can easily get all necessary details about the ply they receive and thus making it an important tool for authentication.

Customers can buy laminates as well as other materials available in their physical stores just from the comfort of their homes and expect safe and timely delivery of their products. Their app can be installed on both Android as well as Apple devices from their respective app stores.


CenturyPly’s eShop strives to be the best ecommerce website for shopping for your products. It has the following features:

  • Compare: The “Compare” button is accessible under each product and allows you to compare two products at the same time. You can compare the products and see which one suits your liking the most and get the one you like more.
  • Wishlist: If you’re in the planning stages of a project, you may also add desirable things to your wish list. This will let you make a quick purchase once you have your entire list available. In a way, it is keeping the items in your bag and buying them when you have collected all the things you need or even saving them for buying a layer.
  • Quick view: You can quickly study the product’s specifications before purchasing it, and you can even adjust the amount here. You can quickly see what you’re getting and if you actually need that one product or something else.
  • Price range filter: This is a nice feature to have if you’re on a restricted budget. While browsing products, it appears as a slider on the left side of the website. You can adjust the price range and buy according to what you can afford. Save time as well as your money.

The Bottom Line

CenturyPly’s online store is truly a remarkable step towards its goal of providing quality products and easy accessibility for its users. No more hassle in purchasing your plywood. It is safe and provides you with only the best and original products, so there is no doubt about getting cheated. Get the app now and enjoy the experience and buy plywood sheets online with no worries.