The age-old question that is faced by men all over the world is this: What is it that women want from men?

To be honest with you, the answers are endless. And because there are billions of women in the world, they all may want different things.

However, when it all boils down to it, a man is simply a man and a woman is simply a woman. And being the human creatures that we are, there are certain things that both men and women want that are for the most part non-negotiable.

In other words, these are built-in needs that arise both from our primal desires and our human nature.

So to simplify things a bit, the question men should ask is this: What do women want from men in a non-negotiable, primal, and natural way?

Well, here’s the answer:

The main thing that a woman wants from a man is the experience of feeling like a woman. She wants to lose herself in her femininity, and the only way she can feel this feminine experience is when a man acts like…..a man.

Women are feminine creatures by nature, no matter what society says. It’s natural, and the more feminine a woman feels around a man, the more comfortable, secure, and desirable she will feel. This is the experience that women are yearning for from men.

The more masculine a man is the more feminine he will make the women around him feel. And the term masculine in this case refers to a man’s character and his behavior.

And the best way for a man to develop a more masculine demeanor is to consciously go about building his character.

The Masculine Character and Women

This is as straightforward as it gets. Guys, if you want to really impress your wife, girlfriend, or perhaps a woman that you want to attract, the first thing you must do is focus on building your character.

Women love strong masculine men. And this doesn’t have much to do with physical strength (although that does make a difference), but strength of character.

A woman wants to know that she can be sure of her experience with you. She wants to know that she can depend on you in good times (temptations), and in bad times (conflict). In other words, she wants to be assured that she’s with a MAN through and through.

A woman wants to know that you can make her feel desirable, secure, feminine, and beautiful. And the more masculine you are in character, the easier it will be to naturally make her feel this way.

And in terms of romance, the masculine man becomes a chivalrous lover to his woman.

How to Build a Manly Character

Character building for a man is perhaps the most important task in his life. Believe it or not, the kind of life you lead and the kind of woman you’ll attract (and keep) will all depend on who you are as a man.

All of your results in life will be based on who you are to your core. Your train of thought, your automatic reactions to situations, and how you deal with conflict and other people are all linked to your character.

Women are more attracted to a man’s character and personality than they are by his looks, possessions, or achievements. And a good woman has an inherent ability to see a man for what he truly is on the inside.

With this knowledge, it is in the best interest of any man to focus on the development of his character and personality first and foremost.

Here are a few character-building tips for men:

  • Start a new challenging hobby, something that you can see yourself becoming really good at, as this will build your own manly confidence.
  • Develop a new skill or an old talent and use it as a means to further you in your career in your business.
  • Travel with your woman and plan an unforgettable experience with her. Take the initiative and see to it that her life is filled with romantic fun and adventure.
  • Set a challenging goal for yourself and commit yourself to attain it. This will help you to build character and will show your woman that you are goal-driven and ambitious.
  • Join or gym or a sports team and develop your body. This is a sure way to both build your own manly confidence while impressing your woman with your new physique.
  • Read more books that will propel you forward in life. Try to get more reading done in the year. Any book that will aid in your personal development will help you to build a stronger character.
  • Share your feelings with her, try to catch every moment & let her realize how special she meant to you. Send her romantic good morning images with love Shayari on them or love quotes every morning. Make it a habit, she will definitely amaze with your daily new thoughts.
  • Find some friends that will help you excel in life. Join a social club where men gather and find ways to add value to the gathering and to your community.
  • Be creative in your love life and treat your woman as if she were the most important person on earth (isn’t she?). Come up with fun and creative ways to show your affection.
  • Take charge of situations at your job or at home. Offer up suggestions to solve conflicts, be the first one to make a move, and take more initiative.
  • Go above and beyond the call of duty in your love life and develop your manly resourcefulness in your relationship. Learn what really makes your woman tick and ensure that her needs are met even before she realizes she had one.

Building character is important for any man who is looking to create more desire in his woman and more happiness in his own life.

When a man goes about his life consciously building his character and making himself and the world around him a better place, he shows his woman that he is a man through and through, and that she can count on him in times of need.