Are you aware of the fact that 75% of consumers will buy a product from a brand that provides product information in their native language? Therefore, it is necessary to implement multilingual customer support in order to provide a great customer experience (CX) and increase customer loyalty. Where should you begin? Read on! In this article, you will learn how to improve customer service by providing multilingual support.

Multilingual customer service is beneficial in many ways

When you presume that all customers speak the same language, such as English, you marginalize your brand’s reach and fall behind your competitors. Multilingual customer support will improve the customer experience, allowing your business to grow.

You can set realistic goals and objectives when you understand the benefits of multilingual customer support.

  • Loyalty and trust increase among customers. Your brand loyalty will increase throughout the entire buying cycle when you establish trust in the native language.
  • Improved customer experience. Customer satisfaction can be increased by supporting native languages.
  • Increasing customer reach. By offering multilingual customer service, you can appeal to a global audience and reach a wider market.
  • Sales grew. Having more potential customers will help you sell more. If you localize your content, you will reach a wider audience. This will lead to higher sales.

You can improve customer experience with multilingual customer service by following these 6 tips 

By providing multilingual customer service, you can improve customer satisfaction. With an increase in sales, customer loyalty, and customer base, you will grow. The key to ensuring that our customers have a great experience is to avoid language barriers. Using multilingual customer service procedures is one way to do this.

1. Learn the languages of your customers

While this step may seem obvious, many professionals fail to understand the languages their clients speak. You can determine the locations and languages of your customers based on demographics, email addresses, and IP addresses.

2. Develop a multilingual website

Reaching new markets and improving the customer experience can be accomplished by creating a multilingual website. The following are four steps you need to take to launch a multilingual website.

Step 1. Localize and translate 

Translating a website is not the same as localizing it. Let’s look at an example that will help you see how these two concepts differ.

Think about translating your English website into Korean. To do this, you need to download a plugin that will convert your English text to Korean. Simple machine translation is insufficient due to the Korean language’s nuances, including its structure, slang, and clauses.

Step 2. Decide on a multilingual format

Your multilingual website needs to be formatted after it has been translated and localized. You have two options. When you want to host multiple versions of your website, you can either use a subdomain or separate domains.

If you use the second method, you can host different versions of your website on different domains. There is a .us domain extension, a .cn extension for China, a .ru extension for Russia, and a .de extension for Germany. As a result, customers can enjoy a more personalized experience without having to be redirected. Although this can be the case, separate domains can be very costly and require the updating of multiple websites at once.

Step 3. Provide a language selection menu

Your website must have a language selection menu once you have selected your domain registration method. Users can select the language in which they wish to view your website via the language selection menu.

Step 4. Check for typos 

Typography is easy to overlook when building a multilingual website. Your website’s visual appeal is determined by how you arrange letters and text.

3. Implement self-service tools

Your multilingual website should now work well after following the steps above. Multilingual websites are appreciated by customers. They may not always be sufficient when trying to expand globally.

It can be game-changing to launch a knowledge base. Especially if you have a multilingual customer base. Adding a localized knowledge base to an existing knowledge base improves customer experience.

4. Determining the cultural expectations of service

Culture differences are easy to overlook when you have customers from different countries. Cultural nuances and expectations should be understood by customer service representatives from every country.

Individualism vs. collective thinking 

Individuals in a collectivism culture are seen as part of a group rather than as individuals whose value is purely based on their own opinions. If you want to provide customer service to collectivists, you need to follow these steps:

Distances in power

Customers from cultures with high power distance are more likely to file a complaint. To meet their needs, follow these tips:

  • You should mention the customer’s title and be respectful
  • Your customer will ask you about your position and authority

A customer experience that is tailored to cultural diversity and nuances is possible when these dimensions are mapped and these differences addressed.

5. Consider time zones

Customers value their time very highly. Regardless of culture, there is an expectation that responses will take a certain amount of time. After logging in, you should receive a security code, and you will be required to complete a second verification step.

Having a multilingual customer service center available 24 hours a day is the best way to resolve customer issues regardless of their time zone.

6. How can LiveAgent help you?

It is challenging to manage multilingual customer support, regardless of the size of your team. LiveAgent’s multilingual help desk software can offer a customized experience to a multilingual audience.

Providing world-class customer experiences requires the following key features:


Customer experiences need to be authentic and localized in today’s global economy. You can improve customer experience and stay connected to your international audience by offering multilingual customer service.

To build a strong multilingual support team, you must understand your international audience and provide the right service.