Father’s Day will be celebrated in 2022 on Sunday 19th June all over the world. Start preparing for this special day in advance so that you can surprise your father with the most amazing day ever! And let Irene’s floral design, the best florist in St. Louis MO take care of your floral needs for the day.

  1. Flowers are universal and loved by all

Flowers are the best gift from Mother Nature. While humans have strived for millenniums to invent so many types of gifts, they are yet to invent something as fulfilling, beautiful, and wholesome as flowers. After all, you can hardly find any person who will say that they hate flowers. This cannot be claimed so boldly for any other thing in this world.

Besides, flowers are available worldwide, and you don’t even have to work that hard to find them. If you’re searching for flower delivery for father’s day in St. Louis MO, you can just order online from Irene’s Floral Design and receive a doorstep delivery.

  1. Flowers are warm and personal

Flowers are extremely special gifts that shows love and a personal connection. No matter what else you gift your father for Father’s Day, all will look incomplete if you don’t add a bunch of flowers. Flowers are warm and emotional at the same time. So order some beautiful flower delivery in Columbia MO for your father and make his day.

  1. Flowers have hidden meanings attached to them

If you’re a flower enthusiast, you probably know that flowers have special meanings attached to them. In olden times, flowers were used to send secret messages. Nowadays, it doesn’t have to be secret. But if you want to express your feelings and emotions in a beautiful and unique way, you can choose flowers to do your bidding. Roses symbolize love and passion, sunflowers stand for optimism and life, lilies represent affection and new beginnings, gerberas express happiness and joy, carnations denote unconditional love and spirituality, and there are so many more to explore.

  1. Flowers are multipurpose

Flowers are pretty neat as gifts. You can repurpose the flowers that you receive as gifts in many ways to decorate your home and surroundings. A small flower bouquet in a vase will look gorgeous on your work desk or bedside tables. Large flower arrangements will grace any hallway, drawing or dining room. Standing flower arrangements or floral wall decors are also great for decorating your home.

What are some of the best flower choices for Father’s Day?

When you gift flowers to your father on this special day, it means a lot. This beautiful flower will make your father happy and proud. If you’re not sure about which flowers to give, here are some suggestions:

  1. Rose: It is the universal expression of love. Say ‘I love you dad’ proudly with a bunch of yellow or white roses.
  2. Lily: If white and pink lilies are the top choices for Mother’s Day, it’s orange or yellow for Father’s Day. Alstroemeria lilies, tiger lilies, and stargazer lilies will look stunning.
  3. Carnation: A bunch of multicolor carnations will express your love and respect towards your father.
  4. Sunflower: If your father is the best reason for you to smile, make sure you let him know that by gifting a bunch of sunflowers.