With digitalization, the dictionary of business’s world acronyms is rapidly increasing. CRM, CMS, CDN, SEO, and SERM are a few of them. These are not just terms but your online business building blocks. These factors decide whether you can drive your website on Google SERPs or not.

No matter where your website stands today, your next step will decide whether you dominate over the internet or not. There are many challenging factors out of which CMS (content management system) is a significant concern in website development. 

By creating a safe, flexible, and reliable content management system, you can easily manage your extensive libraries and databases that will help you develop future-ready websites to scale up your business.

As per a report, more than 68 million websites are built with CMS. So, what are you waiting for? If you also have extensive libraries and databases and want to give smart and agile tools to your team to foster your business, keep your eyes on this post.    

 There are a lot of CMS website builders available today, like WordPress, Drupal, Joomla, Concrete5, etc. But which CMS website builder is best for a content management system?

Well, most experts recommend going with Drupal instead of WordPress as Drupal is a highly flexible platform for the open-source community for speedy implementation and scalability. It is an out-of-the-box CMS tool that allows business owners to power up digital innovation.

These days, Drupal web design plays a significant role in the marketing ecosystem, intending to provide a community-first, commerce-first, and content-first approach. It gives your team freedom to manage the content for lead generation, online sales, conversion, and brand growth. You may have a question that there are other tools to then why choose Drupal web development? Let us take a deeper look into it.

Why Choose Drupal Web Design?

Every day you come up with new ideas and goals to enhance your CMS, but some CMS website builders may come across your dream. This is not the case with Drupal, as its horizontal potential backed by module extensions and native functionalities will stretch your limits to capture your goals.

Drupal shines as a free and open-source CMS used by millions of people and renowned organizations worldwide, like the BBC, Government of Australia, Cisco, Twitter, The Economist, Red Cross, and more.

Since this software launched under the GNU Public License, it provides you with unmatched benefits, like accountability, cost, freedom, security, and flexibility. Anyone can download and modify Drupal and monitor its underlying code to fix security issues quickly.

Drupal web design is better suited for complex logic, integrations, high traffic websites, and sometimes decoupled UI (user interface). Compared to WordPress, which is easy to use but lacks the power and depth, Drupal is ideal for large and complex websites.

The current version of Drupal is Drupal9. It has an ever-evolving ecosystem that allows you to build better personalization, automation, marketing, and SEO to scale up your business. 

Reasons To Prefer Drupal in 2022 Over Other CMS Website Builder

The current digital landscape increases the demand for web content management systems to keep pace with the changing ecosystem and match customers’ needs. Users are now engaging more with personalized websites that provide excellent connectivity between devices and interactive UI. Organizations are now integrating omnichannel for content publishing for frictionless user experience to achieve dream KPIs. The benefits of using Drupal web design don’t end here. Below are some key advantages of using Drupal web development in 2022:

  • A powerful tool to enhance the experience
  • Flexible design and incredible scalability
  • A multi-channel complete web solution
  • Excellent web experience management system
  • Highly extensible via APIs
  • Best for Metadata and taxonomy
  • Great for SEO
  • Personalized and customer-centric user experience
  • Built-in block system 
  • Enhance catching capabilities
  • WYSIWYG editor
  • Responsive design
  • Allow quick edit

Maybe you have now decided to go with Drupal web development, but you’re still halfway; you need to read more about choosing the best Drupal web development company for flexible design and incredible scalability.

How To Choose A Drupal Web Development Company?

Choosing a reliable and reputable Drupal web development company that can give wings to your online business is half the job done. An experienced Drupal web development company will provide you with cost-effective solutions, development direction, personalize your web design, and bring other advantages to your plate. Here are some crucial points you should consider before hiring a Drupal web development company for your Drupal web design:  

  • Check their portfolio and specialization.
  • Ask for their certifications.
  • Look for reviews and testimonials.
  • Post-release availability.
  • Go with a budget-friendly and experienced Drupal web development company. 

Wrapping it up!

A powerful CMS becomes crucial to give your team innovative and agile tools to speed up your growth with the changing digital landscape. For this, what can be better than Drupal? It is free to download CMS software that enables developers to modify and personalize the experience. It is the leading and most preferable CMS software for web development in 2022. If you also want to give your old-fashioned website a retouch of a futuristic website, contact the Drupal web development specialists – Exemplify

Exemplify offers intuitive and exclusive Drupa web design services to amplify your online marketing space and give a new direction to your business. So, don’t wait! Call them now.