Your General Dentist In Portland has just informed you that you have a cavity. Your first instinct is to book an appointment to have the cavity filled, at which point you must choose between getting porcelain or regular composite filling. The problem is that you’ve never heard of porcelain fillings and you don’t know whether they are any better than your regular ones.

Porcelain versus Metal Amalgam Fillings

While many dentists still utilize gold and amalgam fillings in cavities, their popularity is rapidly waning. Such fillings can hardly match the rest of your tooth, which is unlike porcelain and composite fillings that appear a great deal like the rest of your tooth. The most prominent problem with metal fillings is that they can potentially weaken your teeth. Replacing too much tooth material leaves your teeth susceptible to cracking, which is why your general dentist in portland should focus on getting you a filling that can strengthen your tooth’s structure. Unlike porcelain fillings that are bonded to your natural teeth to restore their strength, a metal filling can actually break your tooth.

Why Choose Porcelain over Composite Fillings

Regular composite fillings are bonded to your teeth as opposed to being cemented. This renders the fillings not as smooth as your natural teeth, which leads to inconsistency in your general appearance. Moreover, you might find it hard to keep these filling clean in addition to their susceptibility to decay. On the other hand, a porcelain filling is comprised of a similar material to veneers and crowns. Your cosmetic dentist in portland will employ an advanced adhesive system to glue the filling on to your tooth, the same kind used for cementing crowns.

Porcelain fillings are capable of conserving your tooth’s structure for a prolonged period, which will eliminate the need to have a crown installed in future. Besides, porcelain fillings are smoother and slicker than their composite counterparts thus they feel a whole lot more like your natural teeth. While composite materials look good after being polished, they quickly lose their luster as they stain faster than your teeth. This means that they can barely serve their purpose of correcting the appearance of a defective smile from chipped teeth and gaps.

From the precedent, it is apparent that porcelain tops the list of the most attractive and convenient restorations. Their ability to have the luster of your natural teeth is dependent on the dentist’s ability to match the luminosity and color of your teeth with precision. These fillings feature a highly durable polish that allows the restoration to resist staining. It is, however, imperative to choose your cosmetic dentist in portland wisely to achieve that long lasting impression. When your aesthetic appearance really matters, choose porcelain fillings for appropriate translucency and enhanced durability.

Steven Edward is the author of this website and writes articles for a long time. For further details about General dentist in Portland and Dentist In Portland please visit the website.