Why do you want to WoTLK Classic Gold go to Borean Tundra?

Borean Tundra is located on the southwestern portion of Northrend and its plot revolves around the conflict in the region between Alliance with the Horde. The two factions have fortified territories in the Tundra region, Valiance Keep and Warsong Hold, that can be easily accessible from each the other. In this region it is possible to see vast areas which include the Scourge-ridden deserts of the south, and the resource-shrunk Geyser Fields up north.

Making a decision

Both Borean Tundra, and Howling Fjord have their upsides both, and it won’t affect your relative experience gains significantly. Borean Tundra has come under higher criticism than Howling Fjord since the original release of Wrath, mainly because it’s much less appealing as an area to start from. The zone has been referred to by players as the “boring tundra,” due to its lackluster plot and grind-heavy quest chains. However, there’s still interesting quests to complete and regions worth exploring within the zone.

We’re expecting the majority of the player base to travel to Howling Fjord upon the launch of Wrath WoW WoTLK Classic, meaning Borean Tundra will probably be less well-known when compared to. If you’re a player who likes to level up, one of the less well-known zones like Borean Tundra will make for an excellent choice. If you’re interested in playing the WoW WoTLK Classic expansion with a more cinematic and narrative-driven feel, Howling Fjord will likely be WoTLK Gold the best choice for you.