On an average more than 50% of PC problems are just because of careless behavior of user towards the internal cleaning of device. And since the user is unaware of this basic problem the PC system starts suffering. A deliberate process of cleaning must be done in order to secure the PC from such heavy junks.

These junk files, which somehow get stored in the PC, are difficult to detect easily. So find and clean them, becomes a lengthy process to be done manually one by one. Because many a times they are not found at one place, but the user have to search a lot. Therefore it becomes a time taking process even then some places are left unchecked.


To solve this basic problem of regular cleaning so that it might not affect the working of the PC it is necessary to install cleaning software in it without any delay. A PC cleaner not only clears out the unwanted files and trash but it also helps in solving other issue of the PC. A best PC cleaner is that with tries to cover maximum points given below.

  • Cleaning: The basic function of a cleaner is to clean junk and unwanted files and softwares that are there to minimize the storage of the system. And other relevant documents don’t get enough space.
  • Boosting: Due to heavy unwanted files the whole system gets slows down and doesn’t perform unto its full efficiency. A cleaner helps to resolve this problem.
  • Affordable price: An effective cleaner comes within an affordable range with A- grade features.
  • Detects unwanted files: When it comes to detection of heavy and unwanted files, the cleaner have their alert system. The moment they detect it they gives an alert notification to the user.
  • Optimize: All these process of cleaning on a regular basis boosts and optimizes the performance of the computer. The heavy junks who were trying to disrupt the functioning of the PC are cleaned away so the whole system optimizes and boost up the performance.
  • Alert: In case where the PC is downloading any dangerous URLs that may lead to spywares or viruses in it, the Cleaner alerts the user in order to be in a safer side in advance. Or even alerts in case the PC is not having any Anti-virus installed in it beforehand.

There are definitely a lot of options available in the market or in online shops of a PC cleaner with numerous features. But if A PC cleaner is not having above shown features then it’s missing out in the effectivity and efficiency. One of the best is 360 cleaner for PC presented by Bro Secure that has all of the above features and extra too.


BroSecure has made one of the best PC cleaner that deals with multiple problems of a Windows 10 that are very time consuming if dealt manually. Therefore buying a 360 cleaner for the PC will be worth investing money. The cleaner boost and speeds up the performance of the system while working on other details of the PC and protecting it with corruption of files. It has multiple features that clear up the excess and unwanted data while protecting other files.

This is one of the best to choose because it also provides support to the firewall of the PC to protect it from unethical entry. And help the PC top detect unusual activity in the system and clear it within an instance and updates the cyber security of the system.