Why was Rod Reiss so huge in his titan form? That has been a question echoing the walls of many brownstone homes in Western Shiganshina for years. Some fans have speculated that it is due to his royal lineage as head of the Reiss family and subsequent “sublimation” into a titan, or that he was a uniquely powerful titan shifter. But upon close inspection of Rod’s titan physiology and power as well as his abnormal early development I present that a full answer requires an analysis at both the biological and cultural level.

What is the largest titan ever seen in Attack on Titan?

The largest titan in Attack on Titan is Rod Reiss. He’s a colossal titan who stands at over 60 meters tall, which is the same size as the Colossal Titan. However, the Colossal Titan was actually much larger than this.

In Attack on Titan Season 2 Episode 19, we saw Rod Reiss transform into a colossal titan and take on both Eren Yeager and Mikasa Ackerman at once. This was actually not his first time as a colossal titan; he had previously transformed into one when his father died and he took over as king of Paradis Island.

This transformation allowed him to produce more powerful blades and increased his strength dramatically, but it was also extremely painful for him to maintain this form for long periods of time. The strain on his body caused him to lose consciousness very quickly after transforming, making it impossible for him to fight for very long against two powerful soldiers like Eren and Mikasa.

So why was he so big? Well, there are two possible explanations for this – one logical and one less so:

The first explanation is that Rod Reiss was simply using all of his power in order to defeat his enemies as quickly as possible. If this were true then we would expect that he would have been

How Did Rod Reiss Become So Large When He Transformed into a Titan?

Rod Reiss was one of the most powerful Titans in the series, with the ability to transform into a giant version of himself. He was able to defeat Grisha Jaeger, who had transformed into a Titan and taken on a similar form.

In the Attack on Titan game, you can unlock levels that allow you to play as Rod Reiss himself. This level is called “The True Ruler.” In this level, you’ll take on the role of Rod Reiss and face off against Grisha Jaeger (who has apparently also become a Titan).

While it’s not explained why Rod became so big when transforming into his Titan form, there are some theories out there. One theory suggests that he used his royal bloodline as an advantage while transforming into his Titan form. Another theory suggests that perhaps he ate something that could have given him this ability from inside his body before transforming into a Titan. Either way, we’re glad we don’t have to fight him!

The Titan Serum should not be ingested improperly.

In Attack on Titan, Reiner, Bertolt, and Annie were the only known people to have been injected with the Titan serum.

Reiner and Bertolt are both known to have been injected improperly. In their cases, it was because they were forced to eat their comrades in order to gain their abilities. This explains why Reiner is so large (he ate Marcel) and why Bertolt is so small (he ate Marco).

It’s possible that Rod’s size might be related to how he was injected — but we don’t know for sure yet. We do know that his transformation was extremely quick (it only took a few moments before he became enormous) and that he didn’t seem like himself at all during this time.

The Serum Rod Used Was Very Powerful

The serum Rod used was very powerful. It seems to be a form of Titan Serum and the Titan Serum used by Eren on the Female Titan. The serum did not only increase his size but also granted him abilities that he did not possess before.

The Titan Serum is a powerful substance that allows a human to transform into a giant humanoid creature with superior strength and regeneration abilities. It was developed by Grisha Yeager and used by his family for generations.

The serum was injected into Eren’s body when he was still young and had no physical strength or experience in fighting enemies. Even though he had been injected with the serum, he could only transform into a small sized Titan because his body had not fully matured yet.

When Rod injected himself with the same serum, it increased his size but also gave him enhanced senses, strength and regeneration ability. He became so powerful that even when Eren transformed into an Attack Titan, Rod was able to defeat him easily and eat his human body completely without any injuries on himself!

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