Emotions are an important part of a human experience. They are representative of what our mind feels in the moment. Emotions are also extremely subjective; there is nothing as a wrong or right feeling, no matter what others might tell you.


Having healthy emotions plays a vital role in our mental health. When we fail to account for our emotions and neglect them, bottling them up in ourselves, we do ourselves a grave disservice.


Not acknowledging our emotions, not relaying our needs, not expressing our feelings does not only take toll on our own health, but it may also impede other person’s emotional growth as well. For example, not telling your partner that you love them also affects their wellbeing as well. This can then lead to friction your relationship then too.


It is therefore important for all of us to address why we might be bottling our emotions. It may require the help from a counselor as well, but you must book one via oladoc.com to get yourself the much-needed help.


Reasons for bottling emotions

Not expressing your feelings is not normal. It goes against our default setting, and therefore, it is important for you to understand where you acquired your habit of bottling emotions from.


Some potential causes include:



One reason for bottling may be plain old denial. Expressing our feelings and emotions makes them real. However, for many people, that can be a great source of distress. They therefore find it easier to deny the feeling then.


Lack of trust

When we express our feelings, we share an important part of ourselves. It also then involves becoming vulnerable. However, many people fear exactly this. They do not trust others with their feelings, lest they mock or abuse them.


Easier to do

When you express an emotion, you may also have to enter the realm that makes you or your relationship uncomfortable. It may also then entail acknowledging things that you might not otherwise. You might also then have to deal with the ramifications of this as well.


Rather than dealing with all the messy emotions– as emotions can be messy– you’d rather just brush it all under the rug and evade acknowledging your feelings.


Dangers of bottling our emotions

When something goes against our grain, partaking in it always has implications for the health. It is no different when it comes to expressing your emotion, rather, lack thereof. Some issues that bottling emotions causes include:


Affects relationships

Communication is vital for to have a healthy relationship. A great part of effective communication is relaying your feelings to your partner or friend.  Unless you do this, you jeopardize your relationship, not to mention the fact that you do not let it grow honestly then.


For example, not telling your friend that the joke they cracked hurt you, not telling your partner you do not feel comfortable doing something then strain your relationship. Not voicing may not only make you vulnerable to abuse, but you might start to harbor resentment towards the relationship, which is unfair to both the parties then.


Impaired physical health

When you bottle your emotions, they then manifest in the form of physical aches and ailments then. Moreover, not expressing emotions also leads to stress as well. The dangers of stress for physical health include chronic ailments like diabetes and heart disease.


Takes a toll on the mental health

When you bottle your emotions, you deny your feelings. You think your response is incorrect or does amount to anything that can then also morph into lack of self-confidence as well.


Bottling emotions also jeopardizes your mental health as well. From causing depression to anxiety, the implications are extremely grave.


Hence, if you face such problems and are unable to get better on your own, you should seek help from the Best Psychologist in Karachi then.