How many times have you encountered Facebook or Instagram ads for brands like Chanel or Lamborghini? The answer to that question is likely never, not even once. The reason behind that is because  they are luxury brands that operate under marketing strategies that do not follow the same rules as mass-market brands. Selling products or services to high-end consumers calls for a different approach, but we are not saying either that popular digital channels are off-limits.

The best luxury brand and design consultancy firms can help your luxury brand utilise SEO, PPC and even social media sites to drive online sales for your brand. In today’s blog, we are going to guide you on how to take your luxury brand online with the best luxury marketing strategies in 2022.

What Qualifies as a  Luxury Brand? 

It is important for us to define what a luxury brand is before we get into the most effective ways to market it online. An answer to this from a professional services brand consultancy is the “three E’s’, Expensive, Excellent, and Exclusive.

It goes without saying that luxury products are designed for people with deep pockets with their high price tags. A high price point is the most common indicator of luxury, but it can also be the most misleading, as there are many things that cost thousands of pounds that have nothing to do with luxury, which leads us to the trait of excellence. The quality has to be commensurate with the high price tag. Good is no good in the luxury category. Brands have to be excellent to thrive at the very top of the market.

Lastly, luxury products or services need to be exclusive. It doesn’t count as a luxury product if everyone has one, and exclusivity can often be achieved by price, as well as limiting the number of products it sells to the public. Both can be done, like Supreme.

Luxury Marketing Trends 

In 2020, the global luxury goods market was worth $285.1 billion,and statistics from a reputable branding company in Dubai expect this value to grow to $388 billion in 2025. During the onset and peak of the global pandemic, income of department stores took a dive, forcing a lot of luxury consumers to buy online more than ever. Since this period, online sales of personal luxury goods have grown five times more than in 2009, and more importantly, the majority of purchases made in-store are influenced by digital marketing.

Brand Design Consultancy London predicts that the e-commerce boom will continue in the future both for inspiration and for transactions of luxury brands. Going forward, it is important now more than ever to go digital, because it is key to meeting today’s new luxury consumers and those of tomorrow.

Understanding the Luxury Customer 

Starting out your luxury marketing strategy, the first step is to understand your target audience through buyer personas. This is a detailed description of your ideal consumer. It will include their age, demographic, job, hobbies, salary, and anything else relevant. The more detail you can include, the better.

It is important to understand that you can have more than one buyer persona, especially when your products or services appeal to several groups of people who buy your products. This would mean that your partner luxury brand design consultancy in London would have to develop a buyer persona for each of them. The more detailed your buyer personas are, the more they can help your luxury brand understand precisely who your customers are and what they want from your brand. In turn, this will boost your ability to communicate with them and better focus your marketing efforts.

Developing Your Digital Marketing Strategy 

Now that you have properly crafted a buyer persona and you understand your customer, it is time for you to build a marketing strategy that will drive positive results.

Start by thinking about the channels you want to target. This could be a social media platform you want to pay particular attention to; it could be Google; it could even be a custom app.

Focus on one or two to start with, particularly if your luxury brand is new to digital marketing.

Next, you want to define your goals. This could be increasing brand awareness, or even a better and more measurable goal, which is an increase in sales. (It’s also easier to measure sales increase.)

Finally, work out how you’re going to measure your success. If you’re going to use SEO to increase revenue, for instance, find out how much revenue Google and Bing are responsible for right now. If you don’t already have Google Analytics tracking in place, now’s the time to set it up.