The process is as follows: the client confirms the request and the date of the visit, makes a donation on the flight and confirms the budget, and the client pays for the visit. Our guide meets you at a certain Ukrainian airport and takes you to the Carpathians by car; enjoys mushroom with an experienced guide, and at the end of the trip he returns home accompanied by a guide.

You can also book

  • A flight on
  • Your own and
  • Just meet in
  • The mountains

The Ukrainian Carpathian Forests are rich in naturally occurring mushrooms and berries. There are many mushrooms in the buy lsd canada in autumn, especially after the warm rains. In the Carpathians, there are many porcini mushrooms, not to mention aspen mushrooms, chanterelles, etc.

In general, more

Than 200 species of mushrooms grow in the Carpathians. You can find more than 300 mushrooms a day in the Carpathian forest.

People enjoy picking mushrooms. This pleasure is always equal to the number of mushrooms taken. In addition, when picking mushrooms you can admire the Carpathian nature and beautiful scenery.

Our guide will take you to the glade, where you can enjoy amazing views; also, you will show how to distinguish edible and poisonous mushrooms. You will also learn how to dry and dry harvested mushrooms.

An exciting trip through

  • The jungle roads will give
  • You great pleasure and open
  • Up a lot of interesting things
  • Of the Ukrainian nature

The mushroom season in the Carpathians begins in late July. During this rainy season, various mushrooms grow periodically from a few days to a few weeks. Of course, you are welcome to come early to pick up morels and porches. Mushrooms stopped growing early in the first frost, which, unfortunately, reached the Carpathians before the plains. Usually, we close the mushroom hunting season in October.

The Carpathian region is a real paradise for mushroom makers. Experienced mushroom pickers advised to go to Verkhovyna in the Ivano-Frankivsk region. 57 species of mushrooms grow between beech and coniferous forests in the Carpathian Nature Park. Suitable mushroom hunting grounds in Verkhovyna, Zelene and Dzembronya villages.

Early morning (5:00 am)

You will have the opportunity to enrich yourself with the power of the morning sun, walk barefoot on the damp buy lsd canada and keep your mind on the good. After the morning rituals, we start hunting mushrooms in the Carpathians. We will teach you to not only look at mushrooms, and get in touch with them, identify mushroom sites and find whole mushroom families, even relatives.