Yoga has gained popularity in the last decade amongst people from all walks of life. While millions of people across the globe practice yoga because it helps in bringing more health, calmness and peace to your body. Still a lot of beginners underestimate the power of yoga and hesitate to start their yoga journey.

On account of this, we consulted Ekattva Yogshala – a leading yoga school in Rishikesh – to share a yoga guide for beginners. Read on!


Start with a gentle warm up


When commencing your yoga journey, start with a gentle warmup. It will prepare your body for the movements and reduce the chances of injury. Now, move to basic yoga poses like cobra pose and bridge pose. 


Practice on empty stomach


It is best to practice yoga on an empty stomach or at least 2-3 hours after you have had lunch. Eating before practicing yoga can lead to  feelings of heaviness and can also disrupt your digestive system. 


Find a right teacher

Finding a right yoga teacher is highly crucial to start your yoga journey as a beginner. Since an yoga teachers in RIshikesh has the proper knowledge about yoga and will introduce you with the authentic ways to practise yoga postures.


Above are the best tips for beginners to start their yoga journey. Got queries to ask? Send them to [email protected] and get them answered by our yoga experts. 


Want to become a yoga teacher? Check out 200 hours yoga training program in Rishikesh 


If you want to improve overall health, then, we recommend joining online meditation classes in India