Adobe Commerce helps B2B sellers compete and win online. There’s no question that digital commerce is the future of business-to-business (B2B) sales. Within the US alone, its market is estimated at over $1.8 trillion, with a 17.1% share in US transactions due to younger buyers making purchases online. Adobe Commerce helps B2B sellers thrive online through Adobe Commerce.

Adobe Commerce development services makes upgrading to next-gen B2B commerce functionality fast while cutting the costs associated with platform maintenance.

Today, 73 percent of 20- to 35-year-old employees help decide what products and services their companies buy. Many have even greater decision-making authority. In today’s digital marketplace, however, buyers demand more than an impersonal B2B purchasing experience. They expect a feature-rich digital service environment, which may be difficult and more costly to provide if using Open Source version 1 (OS1).

10 Reasons Adobe Commerce Is Great for B2B eCommerce Merchants

Adobe Commerce is designed specifically to meet the needs of merchants with enterprise customers. Once you install and enable its B2B features in an Adobe Commerce store, all its advantages and benefits become immediately accessible to you.

Now let’s discuss some of the key advantages of Adobe Commerce B2B:

Benefit 1: Adobe Commerce Offers inbuilt B2B Functionality

Success requires offering more than a generic B2B purchasing experience in today’s fast-evolving digital world. B2B commerce differs significantly from B2C commerce because you sell to smaller groups of more diverse and often non-typical customers instead of thousands or millions of predictable individual buyers.

There may be many instances in which you must provide custom pricing and product catalogs to each customer and other purchase agreements, while buyers only have authority in buying up to a certain point; subsequent requisitions require approval by an authority figure, leading to complex workflows.

Magento open-source requires custom development to deliver an eCommerce experience for B2B audiences; in Adobe Commerce you will gain pre-built B2B commerce features like:

  • Customer-specific product configurations and price calculators
  • Catalogs with personalized prices.
  • Support for approval workflows and purchase orders
  • Multichannel sales and order management

Using these features only requires a little in terms of custom coding.

Benefit 2: Support of Hybrid Business Model

Shifting business models have created greater complexity for many firms. B2B businesses have begun offering direct consumer sales. Nearly 33% of US buyers plan to shop directly with D2C companies within five years – offering multiple advantages that come from this hybrid business model approach such as:

  • Gain insights into customer product preferences and purchasing motivation
  • Improve the profile of your brand
  • Increase Revenue during Peak Season

However, managing both B2B and B2C storefronts simultaneously isn’t straightforward when using a platform that doesn’t support both models, such as Magento Open Source; doing this may take extensive and expensive efforts compared to Adobe Commerce which can:

  • Simplifying technology stack and maintenance processes while streamlining operations.
  • One admin can manage multiple stores and products.
  • Rapidly introduce new B2B and B2C offerings into the market.
  • Provide consistent branded experience to B2B and B2C audiences.
  • Unify data across your commerce operations to Optimize business strategies.

Benefit 3: Modern and Secure Architecture

With technology quickly evolving, businesses must keep pace by regularly modernizing their eCommerce web solutions. Many people still rely on Magento open source and must realize it was developed over 10 years ago. This makes it more vulnerable to security threats and breaches than Adobe Commerce solutions with modernized tech solutions.

Magento 1 version has become the deadliest eCommerce platform to use since security patches ended nearly 1.5 years ago; using it without upgrading to Magento 2 or Adobe Commerce could put your store at great risk.

Upgrade to Adobe Commerce for maximum protection and site safety. This modern and secure architecture can protect your brand’s reputation and image while keeping users safe on site.

Benefit 4: Optimized for Amazon Business

Amazon holds approximately 40% of online retail sales in the US. Their business division grew from $1 billion to $10 billion in sales within three years; more than three-quarters of B2B buyers who responded in a recent survey reported conducting research on Amazon, with half planning to increase spending with them next year.

Amazon selling can be challenging; merchants have reported numerous operating challenges while selling on Amazon. There can be various operational issues, such as system integrations or off-the-shelf connectors, which should be customized at great expense.

Adobe Commerce makes managing Amazon’s Sales Channel easier than ever. Their Amazon Sales channel is an efficient, convenient, and budget-friendly way of selling on the platform – which includes multiple benefits such as:

  • Eliminates time-intensive manual work
  • No need for system integration and maintenance
  • Inventory fulfillment data synchronization
  • Improve fulfillment decision-making quicker
  • Optimize pricing decisions quickly and make faster pricing decisions

Benefit 5: Create an Amazon-Like Marketplace on Adobe Commerce

Selling through Adobe Commerce provides another opportunity to build your marketplace, similar to selling on Amazon Marketplace. Approximately 87% of B2B buyers already use B2B marketplaces regularly, and by 2023, at least 70% of enterprise marketplaces will also provide such transactions.

Establishing your marketplace can be easier than expected, and many B2B businesses have already started on this path. A marketplace requires a specialized platform capable of offering superior user experiences.

Adobe Commerce stands out as an outstanding marketplace platform due to its combination of flexibility, security, and robust feature set – perfect for developing any marketplace! Additionally, its seamless integration with other marketplace software packages makes Adobe Commerce ideal compared to open-source solutions, which cannot provide similar protection and features.

Benefit 6: Adobe Commerce Brings High Return on Investment

Upgrading from Magento open-source to Adobe Commerce may initially cost money and might or might not be worthwhile, but studies show that companies who made the switch have achieved an average ROI of 165.3 percent after three years, thanks to

  • Increased conversion rates (16% increase)
  • Increased site traffic (25% growth)
  • Growth in mobile revenues (29% rise)
  • Average order value 5% increase
  • Content production costs have dropped nearly two-thirds
  • Downtime decreased 93%

Benefit 7: Easy Integration with ERP Software

Integrating your eCommerce platform with ERP software enables you to provide improved customer experiences and valuable business intelligence. When your ERP solution has access to store data such as customers & sales figures, then a comprehensive picture of its overall performance emerges.

Integrating ERP and platform data allows customers to access critical brand interactions from a centralized account management portal – fulfilling customers’ requirements while decreasing inbound service queries. In addition, stores will display up-to-date product availability and pricing details so customers only place present orders and pay an incorrect price.

Adobe Commerce offers easy integrations with popular ERP systems like Microsoft Dynamics, NetSuite, and SAP One; additionally, pre-built ERP connectors can also be found within Adobe Commerce.

Benefit 8: Seamless Mobile Experience

In B2C businesses, over two-thirds of customers shop online stores using mobile devices; these numbers continue to rise for B2B buyers as well. Therefore, it has become imperative for online stores with B2B buyers to offer mobile support – B2B buyers prefer shopping anytime and anywhere as it provides a seamless mobile experience for them, too!

Adobe Commerce features mobile-first design and PWA studio. Progressive Web Applications (PWAs) are advanced websites that run seamlessly like native mobile apps across all mobile devices. PWAs use website technologies but work like native mobile apps by offering push notifications and other mobile phone features in a web browser interface.

PWA technology offers many applications in B2B business. Customers, for instance, can use PWAs to reorder products by scanning barcodes with their devices and receiving push notifications of current order statuses and reminders.

Benefit 9: Adobe Commerce Is Compatible with Multiple Extensions

Running a B2B business on Magento open-source may necessitate multiple extensions being utilized and may only sometimes be compatible with each version, thus increasing the risk of improper functioning for the store. Adobe Commerce has this covered.

Adobe Commerce contains:

  • Most of the needed features.
  • Eliminating the need for third-party extensions.
  • Saving costs.
  • Improving functioning.

Benefit 10: Scalability

ECommerce businesses today demand scalability as an essential requirement of success. If your eCommerce venture relies on Magento open-source, for instance, managing and maintaining its infrastructure can be complex and costly – you have to work with various vendors and track numerous things, such as keeping servers secured or monitoring network infrastructure, etc.

However, Adobe Commerce gives advantages like performance increases when traffic rises, capacity on-demand pricing options that better match actual results, and results-based pricing models – these are all advantages worth exploring when scaling an eCommerce business successfully scales!


We have reviewed some key reasons to select Adobe Commerce as your B2B eCommerce store platform. As can be seen, Adobe Commerce boasts many features that help it serve as a revenue generator for B2B companies, supporting your operation of an effective eCommerce website for B2B businesses.

There’s so much you can do right out-of-the-box with B2B solutions to customize them and give your company an edge against competitors. For optimal business operations, today’s business world requires easy online consumption experiences combined with top-of-the-line purchase and account management systems. Your B2B solutions deliver that promise!

Consult the best eCommerce development services that specializes in creating B2B and B2C stores from scratch. Please discuss your requirements with them so they can deliver everything necessary to successfully manage and develop your eCommerce business. Additionally, these services can assist with site maintenance, development, and marketing for the rest of your site.