When it comes to contractor websites, trust and authenticity are key. With the right features, your website can become a digital fortress of credibility that grows your business faster.

Include a portfolio page that showcases your work with professional pictures and descriptions of the projects. Make it easy for visitors to contact you by including a contact form that requires no more than two clicks to fill out.

Visual Appeal

The first impression a user has of your website is based on visual appeal. It’s the immediate processing of information that happens subconsciously, and research suggests users can make initial judgments in milliseconds. Those initial judgments stick and users who find sites with high visual appeal report higher levels of interest and satisfaction with the site than those who find sites with low visual appeal.

It’s important for a construction company to set itself apart from competitors, and the best way to do that is through strong visuals. The right images can create a sense of trust, comfort, or hope in the viewer, which will be reflected positively in the user’s experience on your website. A good design will also ensure your website is consistent with your brand, and that it reflects the values you hold most dear to your company.

It’s also important for a construction company website design to look clean and polished. Many companies have a tendency to clutter their websites with unnecessary information, but this will only detract from the user experience. Whiting-Turner’s website is a great example of a clean and well-organized construction website. It includes a section for their “News” that is both informative and eye-catching, which will help them to organically grow their audience through social media and other channels.

Easy Navigation

Whether you’re selling a product or offering services, it’s important that visitors find what they need on your website in order to convert. This means having clear navigation and a well-organized layout. It also helps to keep the content concise and easy to understand, rather than overly wordy or technical.

Many construction websites use large header photos that showcase their best work, giving users a look at what kind of construction they can expect from the company. This is a great way to catch the attention of users and let them know that your site is worth scrolling through.

Relevant Content

In order to attract and keep potential clients, a construction company’s website needs to offer relevant and useful information. This is what will set it apart from the competition. The navigation bar should direct visitors to pages that showcase the company’s projects, services, portfolio, and news. A clear layout, bold typography, and simple colors will also enhance the user experience.

A good construction website will feature a clean, confident persona that leaves a great impression on users. It will showcase the company as an expert partner that understands what it takes to make a project successful. This will help reassure potential clients that the company will deliver professional results on time and within budget.

One of the best ways to showcase a construction company’s work is through its portfolio. CJS Construction does a great job of this on its website, highlighting impressive photos of projects that they have completed. This is a quick way to communicate their skills and expertise, which will keep visitors on the site longer.

In addition to the key pieces of content, a construction company should include a testimonials and about page. Testimonials are a powerful tool to use, as they are an effective way to show that other customers have had a positive experience with the company. The About page is also a good place to share key information about the company, including the founder’s story and mission.


Testimonials and reviews are a great way to boost your construction company’s credibility and help potential clients trust your services. According to BrightLocal’s Local Consumer Review Survey 2023, 46% of consumers trust testimonials as much as personal recommendations from friends and family.

While writing a testimonial can be intimidating, there are some simple tips to help you write a compelling one for your website. The best testimonials are genuine, relatable, and create emotion. You also want to make it as easy as possible for your clients to give you a testimonial. This will ensure that you get more positive feedback and increase the likelihood of getting more referrals.

The most effective place to feature a testimonial is on your homepage or in the hero section. This is where most visitors will see it and will be the first impression of your construction company. You can use a video or a collection of pictures that showcase your best work to capture the attention of your audience.

You can also incorporate a testimonial from a client on your homepage, along with a link to view their full profile and projects. This helps build your credibility by showing potential clients that you have a wide variety of experience in the industry and are capable of handling any type of project that may come up.

Be careful not to overdo it with testimonials or videos on your website. Overusing these elements can make it difficult for people to navigate your site and can distract them from finding the information they need. Instead, try using them in moderation throughout your site to keep it clean and organized.

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