Everyone wants to start a business, but many people do not understand the difficulties that can arise. When you are dealing with large quantities of goods, shipping becomes a necessary concern. Once you start doing business across national lines, the rules change and the necessities change as well. Suddenly, you will have to consider problems that you never thought about before. With that in mind, let’s talk about 5 pro tips that can make your overseas shipping a little bit smoother and easier.

Choose The Right Method Of Transportation

When shipping internationally, the two main options are air and sea. Sending your goods by airplane is a much safer option. The motion of an aircraft is much straighter and smoother than that of a boat, which is constantly going up and down on the waves. Thus, your products will be jostled and moved a lot less.

Although air delivery is more reliable, it is also more expensive. Thus, it is better to use marine shipping for items that are sturdy enough to handle the rigors of sea travel. With more fragile items, an airplane is the better choice. Either way, you have to weigh the options and decide which is right for you.

Consider Insurance

A lot can go wrong when you start shipping your products over long distances. Obviously, you have environmental hazards like storms and hurricanes. However, other dangers are less obvious. Damaged merchandise can happen in all sorts of ways, and there are also regulatory concerns.

As we said, doing business over national lines is a complicated matter, and it can be challenging to keep all those laws, rules, and regulations straight. Commercial boat insurance is a relatively easy way to protect yourself from all these dangers, and so we recommend it for anyone that is shipping large amounts of product. If you are shipping by air, other insurance policies can be helpful.

Take Actions To Ensure Regulatory Compliance

So, we have already talked a little bit about the need for regulatory compliance. It is important that you obey all applicable laws and regulations, and not just for reasons of principle. If you fail to obey a particular company’s shipping laws, they may send the shipment back or even impound the cargo. Obviously, there is no need to point out how bad it would be to lose an entire ship or plane’s worth of merchandise.

If your company is large enough to ship overseas, you should also be large enough to have a compliance department. These should be people who are versed in the laws of commerce, and you will want to have at least one qualified attorney on staff. Their job is to keep an eye on current laws, regulatory changes, and the practices by which you do business. Thus, if something is not correct, it can be remedied before any expensive fines or seizures occur.

Be Aware Of Scams

Every business has the potential to be targeted by scam artists, and international shipping is no different. For instance, there are instances in which scammers have created fake companies to scam their victims. They create an elaborate front, but once you turn over the merchandise you will never get it back. This is just one example, as all sorts of shipping scams have been known to occur.

Don’t Bother With Small Shipments

Shipping your products internationally is not particularly cheap. There are always shipping costs associated with mail-order business, but international shipping is even more expensive due to the long distances that are usually involved.

Of course, an adjoining country with a land border won’t be nearly as expensive, but anything involving sea or air travel will necessarily cost more. So, for that reason, don’t waste time or money shipping individual items or small quantities of merchandise. When you do this, it makes more sense to ship as many items as possible.


There is a lot of money to be made by doing business overseas, so don’t let these dangers and concerns dissuade you from giving it a shot. All you need is the right business partners and the right procedures, and you will find that everything is smooth sailing. We thank you for reading and hope you will come back to visit us again.