How to move your bed when moving out? Well, hiring a team of house removals in Sydney can help you. As per the Centre of Population, Australian Government, 383,000 Australians moved interstate in September 2022. Many cities in the country have a high living cost. Also, there’s the demand for better opportunities. Thus, people are always moving. But when moving, you should ensure that you’re doing things rightfully.

If you’re thinking of moving something big like a bed, you must plan early. Moving a bed is difficult until you disassemble it. Let’s learn about it in the below blog post.


Why move your bed?


You may be thinking about moving your bed to your new place in general. But have you thought why should you do that? Well, here’re 4 benefits,

i) You can save your time from looking for an ideal bed for your new place.

ii) You’ll have a meaningful piece from your old place that can calm your relocation anxiety.

iii) You can continue sleeping on your own bed to enjoy a good night’s sleep.

iv) You don’t have to spend immediately after the move to find a new bed for your house.

8 steps to disassemble your bed for the move


Moving a bed is challenging, as it’s big. You may have to pay a higher moving cost for moving the bed. However, disassembling it can ease the process. And here’s a step-by-step guide,

1. Remove the bedding from the bed.

i) One of the vital things about dissembling your bed is to remove the bedding.

ii) Take all those bed covers, blankets, comforters, sheets and pillows off and put them into cardboard boxes.

iii) For extra voluminous bedding like comforters, vacuum seal the bags.

2. Remove the mattress from your bed.

i) Now remove the mattress from the bed to access the bed frame.

ii) Take help from friends/family or professional movers to remove it.

iii) Place your mattress into a protective mattress bag and seal the bag with packing tape or zip it.

3. Take the drawers out if there’re any.

i) Look for any storage drawers in your bed.

ii) If there’re any of them, pull them out one by one without any rush.

iii) If the drawers contain anything soft like bedding or clothing, stretch-wrap their open parts while leaving their content inside.

4. Remove the headboard of the bed frame.

i) In the next step, you’ve to remove the headboard (the screwed/bolted part of the main bed frame) of the bed.

ii) Use a screwdriver to unscrew the attached part. If the headboard is bolted, then use a wrench to take it out safely from the bed.

iii) Be careful when handling the headboard, as it can be quite heavy (especially the wooden ones).

5. Remove the sideboards of the bed.

i) Now that you’ve removed the headboard, it’s time to remove the sideboards of the bed.

ii) Similar to the headboard, the sideboards are also screwed/bolted to the main bed frame.

iii) Use a screwdriver or wrench to take the 4 sideboards of your bed frame.

iv) Handling the 4 sideboards of your bed can be bulky. Thus, you may need help from skilled movers or your friends/family.

6. Take the extra bed elements off.

i) Once you’ve removed the bedding, mattress, headboard and sideboards, check if there’s anything extra.

ii) If there’re any remaining elements (ornaments or bed legs), take them out safely without any second thought.

iii) You must disassemble the bed as much as possible to make the moving easy and smooth.

7. Place the small elements somewhere safe.

i) Care for the small elements found during the disassembly process like nuts, washers, bolts and screws coming from the bed frame.

ii) Keep them in a safe place like a sealable plastic bag and label them right away.

8. Secure all the elements of the bed frame.

i) Once you’ve disassembled your bed frame, wrap each part in moving blankets and secure them.

ii) If there’re any fragile bed parts, wrap them in bubble wrap before adding the protective layer of moving blanket around them.


Are you planning to move interstate with your bed? Hiring a team of professional house removals in Sydney can help you with that. All you’ll have to do is ensure that you’ve hired the right team.