As the Lead QA Engineer at Crackle Plus, Prathap Jonnadula is a seasoned professional with years of experience in the field of software testing and quality assurance. In this interview, Prathap shares his insights on the industry, including the challenges he has faced and the strategies he has used to overcome them.

Q: Can you tell us a little about your background and how you got started in the QA industry?

A: I have always been interested in technology and software development, so I pursued a degree in Computer Science Engineering from JNTU University in India. After graduation, I began my career as a software engineer, working on a variety of projects in different industries. Eventually, I realized that my true passion was in quality assurance, and I made the switch to a QA role. Since then, I have worked in a number of different companies and industries, always with a focus on improving the quality of software products.

Q: What do you think are the biggest challenges facing the QA industry today?

A: One of the biggest challenges is keeping up with the rapid pace of technological change. New software platforms and devices are being developed all the time, and it can be difficult to ensure that software works as intended on all of them. Another challenge is ensuring that software is secure and meets regulatory compliance standards. Finally, there is the challenge of balancing the need for speed and agility with the need for thorough testing and quality assurance.

Q: How do you stay up to date with the latest trends and technologies in the QA industry?

A: I am constantly reading industry publications, attending conferences and webinars, and networking with other professionals in the field. I also make a point of testing out new technologies and platforms whenever possible, so that I have firsthand experience with how they work.

Q: Can you tell us about a particularly challenging project you have worked on, and how you overcame the obstacles?

A: One project that comes to mind was a mobile app that I worked on for a client in the healthcare industry. The app needed to be able to securely transmit patient data, which meant that it needed to meet very strict security and compliance standards. It also needed to work seamlessly across multiple devices and platforms. To ensure that the app met these requirements, we developed a comprehensive testing plan that involved both automated and manual testing, as well as rigorous security and compliance testing. We also worked closely with the client to ensure that they were satisfied with the level of security and compliance that we were able to achieve.

Q: What advice would you give to someone who is just starting out in the QA industry?

A: My advice would be to stay curious and stay engaged. The QA industry is constantly changing and evolving, so it’s important to be open to new ideas and to be willing to learn new technologies and techniques. It’s also important to be proactive and to take ownership of your work. If you see an opportunity to improve a process or to increase efficiency, don’t be afraid to speak up and offer your suggestions.

Q: Looking to the future, what do you think will be the biggest trends or changes in the QA industry over the next few years?

A: I think we will continue to see an increased focus on automation and artificial intelligence in the QA industry. As more and more software is developed, it will become increasingly difficult to manually test everything, so automation will become more important than ever. Additionally, AI and machine learning will be used to improve the efficiency and accuracy of testing. Finally, I think we will see a continued emphasis on security and compliance, as data privacy concerns become more and more prominent.

About Prathap Jonnadula

Prathap Jonnadula is the lead QA Engineer at Crackle Plus, a free streaming channel with over 40 million monthly active users. He has a diverse skill set and expertise with all stages of the software development life cycle, including proficiency in multiple software environments such as Java, Python, and SQL. Prathap has improved Crackle’s mobile device testing process, reducing manual testing hours by 20%, improving T-testing workflow by 35%, and reducing production issues to just 5%. Prior to his role at Crackle Plus, Prathap was a Senior Software Engineer at AT&T, where he developed test plans, improved performance of the quality assurance team, and introduced agile methodologies and development best practices.

Crackle is a free streaming service that offers movies and TV shows with ads, which differentiates itself from other streaming services by offering unique and compelling content that resonates with its target audience. With the growth of the ad-supported streaming model, Crackle is expanding its advertising capabilities to offer more personalized and targeted advertising to its viewers. In the next three years, Crackle is targeting an audience of 15 million. Prathap is a highly accomplished QA software engineer with outstanding industry credentials and a decisive leadership style, and he has received several awards and certifications for his work, including the Emerging Testing Leader Award by the World Conference Next Generation Testing 2022.

Prathap has developed a mobile device testing lab at Crackle Plus that houses all the devices, operating systems, and browsers that testers, QA, developers, and DevOps require for efficient and agile mobile testing to achieve improved results. He is experienced in various software environments, including Java, Python, and SQL, and has expertise in all stages of the software development life cycle. Prathap’s work at Crackle Plus has resulted in a more streamlined mobile device testing process, which has saved time and money for the company while also improving overall results.

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