Approach a deathclaw and make friends: Fallout 76 offers many unique quests that lead to unique weaponry. This guide covers the “Flavors of Mayhem” adventure with Rose, which ends with the acquisition of a Black Diamond Ski Sword. You should be able follow this walkthrough to get to the finish.

You have already met Rose and been taken to her place called Top of the World if you made it this far. Go to the second level and use the marked workbench on your map to modify Rose’s Syringer. You should do it immediately, as the crafting materials can quickly go to waste.

Approach a Deathclaw And Make friends

To make it even more bizarre, you will now need to “approach” a Deathclaw in order to “make friends.” It basically means you should approach one, preferably when it’s not looking, and press a button for interaction.

Approach a deathclaw and make friends

Once you are done, it will give you the option of fleeing or killing. It doesn’t matter what you choose. To protect yourself from an assailant, you can use trees and ridges to create separation between you and it.

A Yao Guai is made with a Karma Sringe

Once everything is ready, it’s time to go find a Yaoguai and shoot with the Karma Barrel. You can follow this map to reach the indicated location. You can also Fast Travel from Seneca Rocks Visitor Center to go north. You will find the Yao Guai in this location. BETHESDA SOFTWORKS/DIGI DOES GOING @ YOUTUBE

It is quite simple to fight the beast once you find it. Once you’ve shot the beast with the syringe, it will become aggressive. You can circle around trees nearby to provide cover when it does this. You can take cover with nearby trees if the enemy tires eventually. Rinse and Repeat until the enemy falls.

You can shoot the Yao Guai when it becomes more aggressive, but it won’t be aggressive for long. BETHESDA SOFTWORKS/DIGI DOES GOING @ YOUTUBE

Any Tinker’s Workshop Bench Can Craft Explosive Bait

Next is to create Explosive bait. The map will direct you to the right direction and the benches you’ll need to make them. Select Explosive Bait from the “Mines” section at the bench.

It can be used on any enemy located in the area marked by placing the meat, and then watching the carnivore take it. Even if the bait doesn’t explode, the quest will go on for many more times. Craft Explosive Bait with the ‘Mines’ section. BETHESDA SOFTWORKS/DIGI DOES GOING @ YOUTUBE

Steal from Super Mutant Camp

Next, steal a Missile Launcher at a Super Mutant camp. You can follow the marker to obtain the item. The camp is fairly easily defended so it doesn’t matter if you hide behind rocks and snipe or use a melee approach.

These Mutants will be the same ones that you’ve encountered throughout your game. Remember to loot the Mutants once you’re inside the marked structure. The Super Mutant Camp is marked here. BETHESDA SOFTWORKS/DIGI DOES GMING @ YOUTUBE

Feral Ghouls: Get Rid of Them

You can kill Feral Ghouls right here, or any other location on the map. BETHESDA SOFTWORKS/DIGI DOES GOING @ YOUTUBE

You can use your Missile Launcher to travel fast from Whitespring Resort or by foot to the Savage Divide. You will get the Black Diamond Ski Sword if you can kill two Feral Ghouls at the marked circle. Rose at the Top of the World will give you the Black Diamond Ski Sword.

Complete the quest ‘Flavors of Mayhem to obtain the Black Diamond Ski Sword. BETHESDA SOFTWORKS/DIGI DOES GOING @ YOUTUBE

You’ve learned everything you need about Fallout 76’s “Flavors of Mayhem.” quest. You can find more useful tips in our survival and character-building guides.

Fallout 76 now available for Xbox One, PS4 or PC. Was it possible to steal the Ski Sword from Super Mutant camps? Let us know in the comments!

Fallout 76: How to Make Friends With a Deathclaw

You are in luck if you’re looking to make friends with a Deathclaw Fallout76-style. Although there is a way to become friends with a Deathclaw, it is not as simple as you would think.

It is important that you approach the Deathclaws in a specific manner. If you do, it’s unlikely that they will remain friends forever. You can make friends in a way that satisfies Rose from the “Flavors of Mayhem” quest,

though, which is enough to complete your objective and claim that you did actually make friends with a Deathclaw–temporarily, at least. Here are some ways to make friends with Deathclaws in Fallout76.

Fallout 76: How to Make Friends With a Deathclaw

It is quite simple to make friends with a Deathclaw. However, it can also be very dangerous. You will need to first receive the “make friends a Deathclaw task” task from Rose. Once you have done that, you will see a yellow circle in your map.

The circle will lead you to an area where a Deathclaw lives. Instead of fighting it you can simply go over to it and interact with him. That’s all there are to it. You’ve completed the “make friend with a Deathclaw” task. However, you’re not really friends so you should aim to leave the area before your new friend rips you to pieces.

Rose will be happy to talk about the Deathclaw encounter. You will be pleased, as she will consider you to have completed one of the most mayhem-strengthening parts of Flavors of Mayhem. It’s also possible to make friends with a Deathclaw. That’s pretty cool. It’s time to start making friends with a Deathclaw from Fallout 76.

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