In this competitive online industry, all the websites compete for their website success and get the highest rank in Google bit nowadays we all forget the basic rules and ethics that will lead us to achieve the right path using the right SEO tools for your website, blogs, pages will help you to your website get higher rank in Google and get more real traffic to your website. Here are the best actionable SEO rules for your business success.


Keyword research The very first for a successful website is doing keyword research on what words, phrases, and sentences you use to get a high rank on Google. These word sentences would become the keyword for your website. Getting actionable SEO rules on your website is not just about getting the traffic it’s about getting the right and accurate visitors to your website we need to focus on what people are looking for so we need to find what people search in Google when you find out the keywords add that in your website and then automatically your website’s start connect people

And you can find the keywords at GOOGLE KEYWORD PLANNER.

1. Internal links

Every website ignores adding an internal link to their website that’s the mistake they make but it’s the most important part of SEO success it is a straightforward way to grow your website it easily brings Google crawl on your website it also distributes the page authority of your page.

You have to always make sure that internal linking is always relevant to your blog or your website nothing irrelevant is accepted on Google Crawl adding internal links can improve domain authority and ranking at Google add an internal link on every page you have on your website.

The key to SEO evaluation is adding external links to your website, specifically high-domain authority sites. Instead of spending money on cheap links to drive traffic, focus on creating solid, high-quality backlinks that are relevant to your business. Google places a high value on external links to assess the quality of your content. Link building not only enhances the authenticity of your content but also helps you gain more traffic and build trust with Google. This, in turn, can improve your ranking. It’s simple: the more quality links you add, the better Google can understand and evaluate your content.

2. External links

The keyword for SEO evaluation is to add your external link to your website don’t spend money on cheap links to bring traffic to your website rather create solid high-quality backlinks that connect with your business. Google highly relies on an external link how good your post is link building always makes your content authentic and will help you gain more traffic and loyalty towards Google and that automatically gives us rank it’s simple the more links you add more Google understands.

3. Improve the site load time

Speeding up your page loading timing is another important factor in terms of SEO your website shouldn’t take more than 3 seconds to load low speed rate always declines traffic from your page which will decrease your rank on Google. The more speed up your site loads the higher the rank you get on SEO if you want to know how your website is performing just enter your website URL into GOOGLE PAGE SPEED INSIGHT it guides you to the accurate time and how to speed up your website. For optimizing your site you need to remove the extra plugins and links.

4. Your site should be mobile-friendly

Nowadays Google is up with new algorithm mobile-first. This is the reason why your website should be mobile-friendly if it is not friendly then there are chances that your ranking gets affected because nowadays people usually open any website on their phone so your website should be mobile-friendly Google uses a mobile version for indexing and ranking so make sure you have a good mobile version on your website.

5. Social media

Social media itself says connecting with people so sharing on social media will bring you a lot of traffic that will rank the website in a good position

Sharing on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram people click on the link and that brings you a lot more traffic to your website so yes social media plays an important role in your website SEO. Hiring the top SEO company in  India can help you generate relevant traffic via social media.

6. Optimizing image

Images always attract the public and adding pictures after optimization helps to achieve better SEO results

Every picture should be uploaded on the website after optimization if not then it affects the SEO and that decreases your rank on Google.

The more you compress your picture the faster it loads the site.

7. Keyword distribution

Always distribute your keywords so let’s see how to distribute it

Headline: the title always says everything and invites traffic to your website so always insert the useful keyword in your headline.

Subheadings: they also play an important role in SEO so always insert keywords in your subheadings
Url: adding a URL is very important for your website so adding keywords in the URL also it increases the traffic on your website.
Meta description: it shows the preview of your website.

8. Usage of SEO tools

There are many tools in the market for SEO here are some of the best one listed

1. Yoast plugins

This plugin is free and helps you to insert the right keyword on your actionable SEO rules.

2. Keyword tool

This keyword tool helps to find the right keyword for your very own website that will lead to your growth of the website.

3. Google search console

This finds you what types of keywords people search and people are looking for so this is the best you should use.

4. Sem rush

This shows your ranking on Google