We are frequently questioned this. Two of the most well-liked sensual massages are body-to-body and Nuru gel massages. These two sensual massages, which originate in East Asia, are popular in red-light areas among both visitors and residents.

Asia is renowned for a variety of traits, including its strong work ethic and determination to endure by coming up with original solutions to problems. The best approach to blending fine-tuned pleasure with mental rest was created in Asia with erotic massage, as an excellent example.

The Origins Of Full-Body Erotic Massages

Body-to-body and Nuru are examples of sensual massages that have their roots in Japan’s notorious Soaplands. When prostitution was declared illegal in 1954, sex workers reacted by offering soapy baths rather than engaging in sexual activity with clients. This is how “Soaplands” got its name. These soapy massages later gave way to Nuru and body-to-body massage.

What Exactly Is A Nuru Massage?

A Nuru massage is a Japanese sexual massage that involves complete body and skin contact between the therapist and the client with the help of Nuru massage oil or gel. In order to experience the entire range of sensations, the masseuse and the client are often both nude. Instead of only utilizing her hands, the masseuse will also be using her body when she mounts the client and glides it against theirs.

What Exactly Is Body-To-Body Massage?

Theoretically, a body-to-body massage, which involves both the therapist and the client making complete touch with their bodies, is also an erotic massage. Similar to how a Nuru gel massage is performed, it employs sensuous sliding and grinding methods.

What Is The Difference, Then?

You will undoubtedly be very confused if you are unfamiliar with erotic massages. It’s natural because the two sound quite the same. Actually, there is just one significant distinction between the two, and it has nothing to do with the method.

When doing a Nuru massage, a unique type of gel that was created for Nuru massages is used as opposed to massage oils, which are used for body-to-body massages. This gel is unique among sensual massages. A Nuru gel massage is therefore undoubtedly one of the most distinctive sensual treatments.

The Nuru gel

Nori seaweed, an edible kind used in sushi, is utilized to make this gel. The gel doesn’t stain, has no smell, and is colorless. It also has an amazing consistency; it can be held up like a sheet of transparent jelly due to its unusual stickiness. This gel is diluted before being applied to the skin by therapists, making it more suitable for massage treatments. Additionally, the water makes the gel very slick. It is entirely distinct from oil. Instead of feeling oily on the skin, the Nuru gel will feel damp and extremely slippery. It is ideal for Nuru massage because of this. With minimal effort and maximum enjoyment, the masseuse may now glide easily over the client.

Unlike massage oils, which must be reapplied often due to rapid absorption, Nuru gel remains on the skin for a longer period of time. Since the gel is more solid and combined with water, it has a tendency to dry out, but this may be readily fixed by adding additional water.

Do The Sensations Differ At All?

Nuru and body-to-body massage both theoretically result in the same kinds of experiences. In practice, however, there are some differences.

Nuru massages can be more personal and erotic than traditional body-to-body massages. Because a Nuru session usually starts with a shower or bath that is shared with the masseuse, this is the case. The warm water softens the skin and prepares it for the gel.

Since the Nuru gel is so slippery, as we’ve already mentioned, the masseuse may almost glide up and down the client’s body without any resistance. This indicates that everything will go according to plan during the massage session. The pleasure of the massage may be diminished if the masseuse stops, leaves the client, and reapplies the oil since massage oils might dry up.

Nuru masseuses must be extremely flexible and strong in the upper body, maybe even more so than b2b masseuses since they must be able to glide sensually while maintaining control of their client. It can become quite challenging to manage. The slipperiness also allows the masseuse to get into some really creative positions, and seeing her move may be incredibly sensuous for the client.

Because of its popularity on pornographic websites, a Nuru massage is also well-known in the adult industry. A Nuru massage would seem more exotic, sensual, and fantastic as a result of all of these factors.

Try it out for yourself

We can try to explain the two messages to you, but the only true way to know is to experience them for yourself. We provide a variety of high-quality Nuru and body-to-body massage products that may definitely give you a wonderful experience. On our main page, you may find some of our exquisite massage kits that are ready for tantric treatments.