Developing a mobile application requires a dedicated team that can work seamlessly together, even when they are not physically in the same location. Building a remote team comes with its own set of challenges, but with the right strategies and tools, you can create a highly efficient and productive team. This post will walk you through the process of setting up a productive remote team to create a mobile application in just two weeks.Let’s dive in!

Decide on a Remote Team Structure

The first step in building an effective remote team is to determine the structure that suits your project’s needs. This decision rests solely with you, and you can seek inspiration from established companies that have successful remote team structures. Analyze their models and adapt them to fit your requirements. Remember, the structure should support efficient communication and collaboration among team members.

Hire the Best Developers

To ensure the success of your remote team, it is crucial to hire skilled and productive developers. Since remote workers operate with less direct supervision, their ability to work independently and communicate effectively is vital. During the recruitment process, carefully evaluate the talents and expertise of each candidate. 

Look for individuals with strong communication skills, expertise in their field, and the ability to respond promptly. Thorough recruitment will ensure that you have a team of capable and reliable professionals.

Establish Clear Guidelines and Expectations

For your remote team to excel, it is essential to establish clear guidelines and expectations right from the start. Communicate your expectations regarding work hours, check-ins, individual goals, and preferred communication channels. By clearly defining these guidelines, you create a framework that enables seamless collaboration and reduces misunderstandings. Adapt the guidelines based on the nature of the work and ensure their effective implementation.

Maintain Engagement with Your Team

Remote teams often face challenges related to disconnection and isolation. To overcome this, maintaining high engagement among team members is crucial. Engaged teams are not only more productive but also more profitable. As the team leader, take responsibility for keeping your remote workers connected. Schedule regular weekly meetings to discuss progress, ask for feedback from all team members, and plan interactive activities that foster team bonding. By nurturing engagement, you create a positive work environment that enhances productivity.

Set up Reliable Communication Channels

Effective communication is the backbone of any successful team, and remote teams are no exception. In a digital age, facilitating communication among remote workers has become easier. Determine the appropriate communication channels for different purposes, such as using a direct communication platform for internal messages and emails for client communication. Robust communication ensures that team members are on the same page, readily accessible to one another, and enhances response time and the quality of interactions. Prioritize fostering effective communication as a vital step in building a remote team.

Give Groups The Tools They Require In Order To Be Successful

Equipping your remote team with the right tools is crucial for achieving high-quality performance. Consider investing in project management software and communication channels that facilitate seamless collaboration. Additionally, identify any other specific resources required by individual team members or departments. 

When every team member has access to the necessary resources, their work quality improves, productivity increases, and deadlines are met more efficiently. Prioritize understanding the needs of your team members and investing in the resources that will optimize their performance in the long run.

Implement Time Tracking

Tracking the productivity and accountability of remote workers can be challenging. To overcome this challenge, implement time tracking as an effective tool. It helps hold employees accountable and allows you to identify any inefficiencies within the team. 

Numerous apps are available to assist you in implementing time tracking within your remote team, and some can even integrate with your project management software. By tracking time, you can ensure that work expectations are met and address any performance issues promptly.

Challenges in Managing Remote Teams

While building and managing a remote team, you may encounter various challenges. Let’s explore some common obstacles and potential solutions:

1. Communication

Maintaining proper communication is a significant challenge for remote teams. Establishing a universal communication platform specifically for team members can help overcome this challenge. Use internal tools that facilitate two-way communication and provide a space for employees to ask questions, resolve doubts, and share information.

2. Time and Productivity Tracking

Tracking productivity among remote teams can be difficult. Introduce key performance indicators (KPIs) similar to those used for in-office employees. Familiarize remote workers with these metrics to ensure they understand the performance expectations.

3. Scheduling Difficulties

Scheduling conflicts may arise due to different time zones and irregular work schedules. Use online tools to schedule meetings and consider the convenience of all team members. Flexibility and open-mindedness are essential when accommodating different schedules.

4. Company Culture

Establishing a company culture within a remote team can be challenging. Facilitate healthy communication and encourage team members to participate actively. Use virtual team-building activities and foster a sense of camaraderie despite the physical distance.

5. Building Trust

Trust is crucial for effective teamwork. Foster transparency and open communication channels to build trust among remote team members. Avoid excessive competition and promote a healthy work environment.

6. One-on-One Meetings

Conduct regular one-on-one sessions to provide feedback on individual performance. Scheduling these meetings can be challenging due to the varying work schedules of remote workers. Prioritize these sessions to address concerns and offer guidance.

7. Getting Together in Person

While remote work is the norm, occasionally meeting in person can be beneficial. Plan physical meetings for important discussions or specific tasks. Consider holding annual or biannual conferences to bring the remote team together and strengthen their bonds.


Building an effective remote team for mobile application development requires careful planning, clear guidelines, and the right tools. By hiring the right talent, fostering engagement, promoting effective communication, providing the necessary resources, and addressing the challenges that remote teams face, you can create a highly efficient and productive team. 

Embrace the opportunities offered by remote work and adapt your strategies to build a successful remote team. With dedication and the right approach, your remote team can achieve outstanding results in mobile application development.