If you’ve been to a fitness class or engaged in a home workout routine, chances are you’re familiar with push-ups. Often integrated into an exercise regimen for their ability to work a variety of muscles, push-ups are beloved by fitness enthusiasts worldwide. In addition to promoting muscle development, they also help burn calories, contributing to overall weight loss. But have you ever asked yourself: how many calories does a push-up burn?

Before diving into the specific number, it’s crucial to understand that many factors can affect the number of calories burned during any exercise, including age, weight, gender, fitness level, and intensity of the workout. These variables make it difficult to state a definitive number for everyone. However, research has offered some ballpark figures we can work with.

The Caloric Burn of a Push-Up

An oft-cited statistic suggests that a single push-up might burn around 0.29 calories for a person who weighs 160 pounds. This calculation, based on the MET (Metabolic Equivalent for Task) values for push-ups, is highly dependent on body weight. In other words, the heavier you are, the more calories you’re likely to burn, because your body has to exert more energy to lift itself off the ground.

So, if you weigh more than 160 pounds, you might burn more than 0.29 calories per push-up, whereas if you weigh less, you might burn slightly fewer calories. As an example, if you weigh 200 pounds, you might burn around 0.36 calories per push-up, whereas a 120-pound person might burn around 0.22 calories per push-up.

Remember, these numbers are rough estimates and may vary based on your personal fitness level and the intensity with which you do the exercise.

Pushing for More: The Power of High-Intensity Workouts

The above estimations might seem discouragingly low, especially if you’re looking to shed a significant amount of weight. However, they do not account for the increased metabolic rate that results from high-intensity workouts.

High-intensity push-up workouts, like those found in HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training) sessions, can lead to an increased calorie burn long after the workout is over. This is due to the “afterburn effect” or Excess Post-Exercise Oxygen Consumption (EPOC), where your body continues to burn calories as it works to recover from the intense exercise.

The Total Picture: Push-Ups as Part of a Balanced Exercise Program

While the question “how many calories do pushups burn” is an interesting one, it is important to note that push-ups alone will not drastically alter your caloric burn or weight. Push-ups are typically a part of a balanced exercise routine that includes both cardiovascular activity and other forms of strength training. Combined with a balanced diet, this multi-faceted approach can effectively help you manage your weight and overall health.

Moreover, push-ups provide benefits beyond mere calorie-burning. They strengthen your core, arms, shoulders, and chest. They also help increase muscle mass, which can elevate your basal metabolic rate (BMR), leading to more calories being burned at rest.

In conclusion, while the calories burned from push-ups alone might not be monumental, the overall benefits of this comprehensive exercise make them a valuable addition to any workout routine. It’s not just about the push-up calories burned, but about how this exercise contributes to your overall fitness journey.

No matter how many calories a push-up burns, the true power lies in its role in a holistic fitness regime. As you embark on your fitness journey, it’s vital to remember that every push-up counts, every drop of sweat matters, and every healthy choice propels you forward.


No matter how many calories a push-up burns, the true power lies in its role in a holistic fitness regime. As you embark on your fitness journey, it’s vital to remember that every push-up counts, every drop of sweat matters, and every healthy choice propels you forward.

At SoulFitness, we understand this better than anyone. Our Group training program, personalized training, beginner workout plan  incorporate exercises like push-ups to help you achieve your fitness goals and keep you motivated along the way. Embrace the comprehensive health benefits that exercises like push-ups offer, and let us guide you on this journey to a healthier, fitter you. Come, let’s get stronger together with SoulFitness!