Tinnitus is a relatively common condition that affects millions of people globally, and an estimated 13% of UK inhabitants. Having been around for centuries, symptoms of the condition can be extremely debilitating, and if you’ve begun to experience a ringing, clicking, whooshing or buzzing noise in your ears, you may well be suffering from Tinnitus.

With no known cure and no real understanding of its cause, thankfully there are some treatments that can alleviate symptoms of Tinnitus, and make life a little more bearable for those who are struggling to sleep, concentrate, focus and function normally, in general.

If you haven’t yet sought relief for your condition from Doncaster Lenire Tinnitus Treatment, you may be wondering if you will be forced to live with the condition for the rest of your life, or whether it can ever go away.

Read on to find the answers you need as a Tinnitus sufferer:

Chronic Tinnitus

If you’ve been experiencing Tinnitus for more than three months, then your condition can be described as chronic, and without any treatment, the condition will not improve.

If you suspect you may be suffering from Tinnitus, and the condition has continued for three months or more, you’d be advised to schedule an assessment with a registered audiologist in your area.

What are the main causes of Tinnitus?

There are several possible causes of the condition, with the most common listed below:

  • Loss of hearing

If you’ve begun to lose your hearing, you may develop Tinnitus, but with a hearing aid, the condition is likely to be resolved

  • Frequent exposure to loud noises

Music events or machinery may cause this

  • Stress and anxiety

These have been linked to Tinnitus and may cause the condition to become worse

  • Ear infections

An ear infection may induce symptoms such as nausea, fever, vomiting and aural discharge. Although antibiotics are usually prescribed, the Tinnitus may remain even after the infection has gone.

  • Buildup of wax

An ear that feels full and itchy, and may be accompanied by a loss of hearing, could cause Tinnitus. In most instances, a safe ear wax removal method can solve the problem and alleviate symptoms.

  • Meniere’s disease

A loss of hearing, nausea and vertigo are symptoms of this disease that can cause Tinnitus, and while there is no cure, medication may help with the symptoms.

  • Glue ear

This is typically a temporary condition, but some patients may need to undergo surgery to have grommets fitted

  • Otosclerosis

With symptoms of dizziness, hearing loss or a ringing in the ears, surgery can help with this problem caused by a growth of bone in the inner ear

  • Perforated eardrum

If you experience sudden pain in your ear, a sudden loss of hearing, dizziness, and a liquid oozing from your ear, you may have perforated your eardrum. Fortunately, this type of injury heals unaided in as little as 3 months.

  • High blood pressure

With the ability to cause Tinnitus, the symptoms of high blood pressure typically include a shortness of breath, headaches and fatigue.

  • Acoustic neuroma

Otherwise known as a benign tumour in the ear, if suffering from this, you may experience a gradual loss of hearing that worsens in one ear, problems with balance and some numbness in the face. Surgical tumour-removal often works to either improve or eliminate the symptoms of Tinnitus.

  • Thyroid disorders

Tiredness, aching muscles and weight gain are symptoms of this, and some patients get better with medication.

  • Diabetes

Constant thirst, blurred vision, exhaustion and sore, red gums are symptoms of diabetes that you shouldn’t leave untreated. If you develop tinnitus as a result of a diabetes, you might want to try Lenire Tinnitus Therapy in Doncaster to alleviate those symptoms.

With so many modern ways to treat tinnitus and all of the conditions listed above that can cause it, there’s no longer any need to suffer in silence.

If you have any concerns about your health, you should speak to a medical professional at the earliest, and if you suspect you may be suffering from tinnitus, you can consult with a audiologist.