When part of a child’s intestine bulges through a weak spot in their abdominal muscles, it results in an inguinal hernia. A soft bulge, therefore, appears under the skin where the hernia is present. Below, the best hernia surgeon in Nashik explains the causes, symptoms, and treatment of inguinal hernia in children.


Because of a weakness in a child’s abdominal muscles, a hernia can develop during the first few months after the baby is born. If there is increased pressure in the belly, the hernia can become more apparent.

When a male baby grows in the womb, their testicles start developing in the abdomen. Then they move down into the baby’s scrotum via the inguinal canal. After the birth of the baby, the inguinal canal gets closed, says a laparoscopic hernia surgeon in Nashik. This prevents the scrotum from going back into the abdomen.  If this area does not close properly, part of the child’s intestine is at risk of moving back into the canal through a weak area in the wall of the lower baby, causing a hernia.

In a few cases, part of the intestine that pushes through the hernia can get stuck. This prevents it from being gently pushed back into the belly. In addition, it stops enough blood from reaching the intestine.

Though female babies do not have testicles, they have an inguinal canal which also puts them at risk of developing a hernia.


As per the best hernia surgeon in Nashik, children with inguinal hernia experience the following symptoms.

  1. A fuller belly
  2. Bulge in the groin
  3. Fussiness
  4. High fever


After a child gets diagnosed with an inguinal hernia, surgery is the first in line of treatment. This helps prevent the intestine from getting stuck.

During the surgery, the child will be kept under anesthesia. The surgeon will make a small incision or cut in the place where the hernia is situated in order to put the intestine back to its place in the abdominal area.

We have discussed the causes, symptoms, and treatment of inguinal hernia. Consult a hernia surgeon who can review the symptoms of your child, offer a proper diagnosis, and provide suitable treatment.