Filler injections are one of the most common aesthetic procedures, and they’re also one of the fastest-growing in popularity. Their low cost and ease of application have made them increasingly attractive to patients looking to improve their looks quickly, safely and naturally. But with so many options out there for different types of fillers and concentrations, figuring out how much it costs to get filler injections can be tricky. That’s where we come in!

What are filler injections?

Fillers are a type of cosmetic injection that can be used in many places on the body including the lips, cheeks, forehead, and chin. Fillers usually contain collagen or hyaluronic acid which are substances that have been used for decades as a way to rejuvenate skin. The injectable lip filler can be placed in an area where there is a small depression or wrinkle, such as along the nasolabial folds (smile lines) between your nose and mouth. This will give you a smoother appearance by filling out those wrinkles. Fillers can also be injected into the cheeks near your jawline to make them appear more chiseled and less sunken.

Lip fillers before and after

Different types of filler injections

Fillers can be used for a variety of purposes, including correcting age-related facial wrinkles and folds, adding volume to recessed areas such as the cheeks, chin and nasolabial folds (the corners of the mouth), or plumping thin lips. There are many different types of fillers available.


Permanent soft tissue filler (Bellafill)

Permanent soft tissue filler (Bellafill) is a new injectable treatment that replaces lost volume in the face, hands and other areas of the body. It’s a permanent filler that can last for up to two years. The procedure is performed on an outpatient basis and requires no down time after treatment. Bellafill injections are FDA approved for use in the United States, Canada and Europe.

Calcium hydroxylapatite (Radiesse)

Radiesse is a brand of calcium hydroxylapatite filler, and is considered one of the most popular injectable fillers for use in the face. Radiesse injections are administered by your dermatologist or cosmetic surgeon in the office. They typically take less than 15 minutes per injection, so you can get treated and be back at work within an hour. The cost of Radiesse injections will vary depending on who administers them, but they typically cost $500-$1000 per syringe.


Hyaluronic acid (Restylane)

Hyaluronic acid (also known as Restylane) is a safe and effective way to plump up thinning lips, erase deep wrinkles, or fill out sunken cheeks. It’s a popular option for those who are looking for less invasive treatments for these areas of concern.

The cost of Restylane injections ranges from $500-$1000 depending on where you live and the size of the area being treated. The total cost typically includes an initial consultation with a doctor, the injection procedure itself, and follow up visits.


Hyaluronic acid (Juvederm)

Hyaluronic acid is a naturally occurring substance in the human body that acts as a lubricant and cushion between joints. As we age, our body produces less hyaluronic acid, which can lead to dryness and sagging skin. The hyaluronic acid injection can help restore the volume in your face by filling out wrinkles and folds.

A typical syringe contains 0.5mL of Juvederm, which will typically last for six months when injected into the lips or around the mouth area. The cost of injections varies depending on your location and provider, but averages around $1 per milliliter.


Which areas of the body can have filler injections?

Filler injections are a quick and easy way to add volume and definition where needed. They can be used in the cheeks, lips, or anywhere else that needs a little help.

Cheek fillers before and after

Here’s what you need to know about getting your first filler injection:

  1. It’s an outpatient procedure that takes 15-30 minutes depending on the size of the area being injected.
  2. The doctor will numb the area with lidocaine so you don’t feel anything during the procedure.
  3. You’ll have some swelling and redness for about 1-3 days after your injection, but this should go away within a week or so with topical treatments like arnica cream.
  4. Fillers are made from hyaluronic acid which is a natural substance found throughout the body. It’s safe and has been around for years; it even occurs naturally in the human body!
  5. Fillers typically last 6 months-2 years depending on how often they’re administered.

The average cost of filler injections in Edmonton

There are many different types of fillers on the market and they all have different prices depending on what you’re looking for. The average cost of filler injections in Edmonton is typically between $500 and $1,000 per procedure. However, there are many other factors that can affect the price including where you get them done, which filler you choose, and how much you buy at once. It is important that you research your options before deciding on a treatment.

If filling in wrinkles or reducing scars is your main goal, then Restylane Silk might be a good choice as it has lower risks of allergic reactions than some other fillers. However, always speak to the aesthetician as they can provide recommendations.

Filler for Marionette Lines before and after

Factors that affect the cost of filler injections

There are a few factors that will affect the cost of filler injections. The first is the type of treatment such as , which includes dermal fillers, volumizing treatments and fat grafting. The second factor is the experience of your doctor; more experienced doctors may charge more for their services than those who are new to this field. Third, the location of your clinic will affect the price as some areas are more expensive than others. Fourth, you have to consider if you’re getting a one-time treatment or multiple treatments; a one-time treatment will be cheaper but multiple treatments may require additional procedures so this should be taken into consideration.

The risks of cheap filler injections

Cheap or low-quality filler injections can have significant risks including the potential for infection, scarring, and even permanent nerve damage. These complications can result in a lack of feeling in your lips and face, as well as pain. If you’re considering cheap filler injections because you are tight on budget, remember that the medical industry is highly regulated and all practitioners must be licensed. This ensures that if something does go wrong, there are safeguards in place for recourse. There’s no need to risk your health over money—we recommend choosing a reputable practice who practice safe injection techniques.


Injection fillers, also known as dermal fillers, are injected into the skin to plump, smooth wrinkles and marionette lines. Some of the most popular injection fillers are Juvederm, Restylane, and Radiesse. The cost of injection fillers varies from provider to provider and depends on factors such as location and the type of filler used. With that being said, prices for injection fillers typically range from $300-$1000 per procedure.

In Edmonton, we pride ourselves as a reputable clinic that offers high quality filler injections and various other aesthetic treatments. Check out what we have to offer today.